dc:description"FIGURE 12. Morphology, megascleres and microscleres of Bomba tricincta (Hentschel, 1929) gen. nov., comb. nov.: A. Illustration of holotype ZMB Por 7851 from Northern Norway, 198 m (from Hentschel (1929, Pl. 12, Fig. 3); B. Large, thick tracts of megascleres, scale = 500 µm; C. Anisostyle, slightly sinuous, scale = 100 µm; D. Smooth proximal tip of anisostyle, scale = 100 µm; E. Smooth distal tip of anisostyle, scale = 100 µm; F. Range of anisodiscorhabds, scale = 50 µm; G. Range of protorhabds from earliest to later stages showing gradual development of the three whorls, scale = 50 µm. All images taken from microscope slide of holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Latrunculia (Latrunculia) austini Samaai, Gibbons & Kelly, 2006: A. Holotype RBCM 982 - 62 - 1, British Columbia; B. Skookumchuck Narrows, Jervis Inlet, in situ; C. NHMUK 2008. 3. 27.3, Gulf of Alaska, 102 m, in situ; D. NHMUK 2008.3. 27.3, ibid, grid marks under preserved specimen are 1 cm 2; E. RBCM 014 - 00091 - 001, British Columbia, 384 m, in situ; F. RBCM 015 - 00479 - 001, Gulf of Alaska, 88 m, in situ; G. RBCM 015 - 00479 - 004, Gulf of Alaska, 106 m, distance between red laser dots is 10 cm; H. Ibid; I. Queen Charlotte Sound, 48.125 ° N, 125.371 ° W, 115 m, 27 May 2006, OCNMS ROPOS ROV Dive 953, in situ; J. Queen Charlotte Sound, 48.302 ° N, 124.938 ° W, 243 m, 0 1 Jun 2006, OCNMS ROPOS ROV Dive 958, in situ; K. Queen Charlotte Sound, 48.170 ° N, 125.370 ° W, 114 m, 11 Jul 2008, OCNMS ROPOS ROV Dive 1160, in situ. Fig. 3 A, 3 C, 3 D reproduced from Samaai et al. (2006, Fig. 3 H) with permission from Zootaxa (Magnolia Press), Stone et al. (2011: 145, Fig. 2) and Stone et al. (2011: 145, Fig. 1), respectively. Image credits for Fig. 3 A, B: Neil McDaniel, Fig. 3 I ‒ K: Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, taken using the Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility ROPOS ROV digital still camera, Fig. 3 C, D, F, G, H: Robert Stone.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Morphology, megascleres and microscleres of Bomba endeavorensis gen. et sp. nov.: A. Holotype RBCM 014 - 00120 - 001, paratype 1 RBCM 014 - 00120 - 002, paratype 2 RBCM 014 - 00120 - 003, paratype 3 RBCM 014 - 00120 - 004, Endeavour Ridge, British Columbia, 2500 m, scale = 5 mm; B. Enlarged details of surface showing pigmentation on apices of anisodiscorhabds and large megascleres in a cross-hatched arrangement, scale = 500 µm; C. Centrally thickened anisostyle, scale = 200 µm; D. Rounded distal and granular bumps on head of anisostyle, scale = 20 µm; E. A range of anisodiscorhabds, scale = 20 µm; F. A range of protorhabds, scale = 20 µm; G. Apex of anisodiscorhabd, scale = 20 µm.";