dc:description"FIGURE 60. crania of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–c) partial cranium of paratype SAMA P59550 in (a) left lateral, (b) dorsal, and (c) ventral views; and (d–g) young adult cranium of paratype SAMA P53836 in (d) dorsal, (e) ventral, (f) left lateral, and (g) right lateral views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 61. neurocrania of P. viator sp. nov.: (a) ventral view of partial cranium of paratype SAMA P59550 showing the basicranium; and (b–c) surface scan images of partial neurocranium of NMV P42526 in (b) posterior, and (c) right lateral views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 62. upper dentition of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–b) premaxillae, with heavily worn left and right I1–3, of holotype SAMA P59552 in (a) occlusal, (b) left lateral/buccal views; (c) heavily worn P3–M4 of paratype SAMA P59550 in occlusal view; (d) M2–3 of paratype SAMA P53836 in occlusal view; and (e–g) DP2–M3 of paratype SAMA P53836 in (e) occlusal, (f) buccal, and (g) lingual views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 63. lower dentition of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–c) left dentary of paratype SAMA P59550 in (a) occlusal, (b) buccal, and (c) lingual views; (d–f) left dentary, with i1 and dp2–m3, of paratype SAMA P53836 in (d) occlusal, (e) buccal, and (f) lingual views; and (g) m2–3 of SAMA P53836 in occlusal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 64. cervical vertebrae of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–d) partial atlas vertebra of paratype SAMA P59550 in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) dorsal, and (d) left lateral views; (e–h) axis vertebra of SAMA P54629 in (e) right lateral, (f) dorsal, (g) cranial, and (h) caudal views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 65. (a) partial articulated cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, right scapula, clavicle and ribs of P. viator sp. nov. holotype SAMA P59552 in right lateral view; and (b) partial caudal spine of articulated and re-articulated Ca5–13 in left lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 66. left upper forelimb elements of P. viator sp. nov. paratype SAMA P59550: (a–c) partial scapula in (a) dorsolateral, (b) ventromedial, and (c) proximal/humeral views; and (d–e) partial radius in (d) cranial, and (e) medial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 67. left forelimb elements of P. viator sp. nov. paratype SAMA P53836: (a–d) partial humerus in (a) cranial, (b) caudal, (c) lateral, and (d) medial views; and (e–g) partial ulna in (e) lateral, (f) medial, and (g) cranial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 68. re-articulated sections of the manus of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–c) right scaphoid, hamatum, capitatum, trapezoid and trapezium of holotype SAMA P59552 in (a) dorsal, (b) palmar, and (c) distal/anterior views; and (d) left manual digits I–III of paratype SAMA P59550 in dorsomedial view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 69. right carpals of P. viator sp. nov. holotype SAMA P59552: (a–d) scaphoid in (a) dorsal, (b) palmar, (c) proximal/ posterior, and (d) distal/anterior views; and (e–g) line drawings and (h–j) stacked photos of pisiform in (e, h) dorsal, (f, i) palmar, and (g, j) posterior views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 70. right carpals of P. viator sp. nov. holotype SAMA P59552: (a–c) hamatum in (a) dorsal, (b) proximal/posterior, and (c) distal/anterior views; (d–g) capitatum in (d) dorsal, (e) distal, (f) proximal, and (g) medial views; (h–j) trapezoid in (h) proximal, (i) distal, and (j) dorsal views; and (k–l) trapezium in (k) dorsal, and (l) palmar views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 71. right metacarpals and manual phalanges of P. viator sp. nov. holotype SAMA P59552: (a–e) metacarpals I–V in (a) dorsal, (b) palmar, (c) lateral, (d) medial, and (e) proximal views; and (f–h) proximal, middle and distal manual phalanges I–V in (f) dorsal, (g) palmar, and (h) lateral views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 74. articulated left tibia and fibula of P. viator sp. nov. paratype SAMA P59550 in: (a) lateral, (b) cranial, and (c) medial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 75. right pes of P. viator sp. nov. holotype SAMA P59552: (a–d) articulated pes in (a) medial (b) lateral, (c) dorsal, (d) plantar views; and (e–f) articulated metatarsals II–V, proximal phalanges II and III, plantar sesamoids, and tarsals in (e) plantar, and (f) medial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 76. tarsal elements of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–f) left calcaneus of holotype SAMA P59552 in (a) dorsal, (b) plantar, (c) medial, (d) lateral, (e) cranial, and (f) caudodorsal views; (g–i) right talus of SAMA P57972 in (g) dorsal, (h) cranial, and (i) medial views; and (j–l) right cuboid of SAMA P59552 in (j) caudal, (k) cranial, and (l) medial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 77. (a) line drawing and (b) photo of articulated tarsals of right pes of P. viator sp. nov. holotype SAMA P59552 in medial view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 78. tarsal elements of P. viator sp. nov.: (a–d) left navicular of holotype SAMA P59552 and (e–f) right ectocuneiform of paratype SAMA P59550 in (a, e) caudal, (b, f) medial, (c, g) lateral, and (d, h) cranial views; left metatarsals IV (i–k, m) and V (o–s) of SAMA P59552 in (i, o) dorsal, (j, p) plantar, (k, q) lateral, (r) medial, and (m, s) proximal views; and (l, n) surface scan images of left metatarsal IV of NMNH 498886 in (l) medial, and (n) proximomedial views.";
dc:description"FIGURE 80. surface scan images of (a–d) right proximal, (e–h) left middle, and (i–l) right distal pedal phalanges IV of P. viator sp. nov. NMNH 498886 in: (a, e, i) dorsal, (b, f, j) plantar, (c, g, k) right transverse, and (d, h, l) proximal views.";