dc:description"Figure 1. Arenopsaltria nubivena, 5.6 km west of Windorah, southwest Queeensland. (A) fore and hind wings; (B) lateral abdomen view; (C) left timbal, posterior margin at right, dorsal edge at top; (D) left opercula; (E, F) male pygofer and genitalia—E, lateral view; F, ventral view. Terminology for the opercula follows de Boer (1999; note that the crest is described fully by that author as “crest around distolateral corner of basal part of operculum”). Terminology for timbals: LR1 to LR4, long ribs 1 to 4; SR, short (intercalary) ribs; TP, timbal plate. Terminology for pygofer: aed, aedeagus; as, anal styles; at, anal tube; bl, basal lobe of pygofer; bp, basal plate; db, dorsal beak; ds, distal shoulder; md, median lobe of uncus; sl, subapical lobe of uncus. Length of pygofer 3.8 mm. Scale bars 1 mm, except wings (5 mm).";
dc:description"Figure 3. Arenopsaltria nubivena (Walker); (A) male, Queensland Museum reference QMT196193, body length 22.6 mm; (B) female, QMT196194, body length 21.7 mm. Both specimens from Pulchera Waterhole,Mulligan River, Ethabuka Reserve, southwest Queensland.";
dc:description"Figure 2. New distribution records for Arenopsaltria nubivena. Filled arrows indicate locations of audio recordings. The generalized distribution of A. nubivena in South Australia and northwestern Victoria, shown by the heavy circled line, is from Moulds (1990, 2012), and marks the known distribution prior to this work. The dotted lines are roads. The dashed lines are State boundaries. The dot-dash line shows the approximate boundary of the ecoregion which defines the dominance of deserts and xeric shrublands within inland Australia (National Reserve System map, published by Australian Government). The filled arrows mark the locations of the audio recordings of A. nubivena illustrated in this paper. The hollow arrows show the locations of the audio recordings of A. fullo and A. pygmaea. The general locations of the major dunefields and other relevant areas noted in the text are labelled.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Arenopsaltria nubivena, waveform plots of calling songs from 5.6 km west of Windorah, southwest Queensland; (A) general view showing the relatively uniform, continuous buzzing song, but showing two short breaks (marked by hollow arrows); (B) time expanded segment ofcalling song showingthe repeated macrosyllables, each withsix dominantsyllables,the arrows defining thelimits of theindividual macrosyllables;(C) higher resolution waveformplot of two macrosyllables,the filledarrowmarking theboundary between themacrosyllables. The six dominant syllables (DS) each comprise 5 to 7 high amplitude carrier wave pulses. The time intervals between the dominant and secondary syllables (SS) comprise lower amplitude background pulses,variably frequency modulated;the horizontalarrows define the syllable repetition rates (RR) and the intra-syllable durations between the dominant and secondary syllables. Field recordings, filtered to 1 kHz.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Arenopsaltria nubivena, higher resolution waveform and accompanying amplitude spectra plots of complete macrosyllables and segments of adjacent macrosyllables. The two recordings are of the calling songs, from 5.6 km west of Windorah, southwest Queensland. The macrosyllables each have six dominant syllables. A and C are waveform plots showing the high amplitude dominant syllables (labelled DS in A), these separated by smaller secondary syllables (labelled SS in A). Between these syllables are mostly low amplitude background pulses, possibly reverberation induced. The results of measurements on the carrier wave pulses are shown above the waveforms, showing the limits and calculated frequency (in kHz) within each of the short song segments, these mostly corresponding to the syllables and background pulses. B andD are the respective amplitude spectra of each of the two waveforms shown inA andC. The numbers adjacent to the selected spectral peaks are kHz. The measured frequency ranges (horizontal lines) and weighted mean frequency (downward pointing arrows), which are derived from the waveform plots, are shown. Song recordings filtered to 1 kHz.";