dc:title"Sensitivity to salinity at the emergence and seedling stages of barnyardgrass (EchinochloQ crus-gQlli), weedy rice (OryzQ sQtivQ), and rice with different tolerances to ALS-inhibiting herbicides";
dc:description"Figure 2. Dose–response emergence curve with the average data points of the different OryzQ sQtivQ (weedy rice) populations and rice varieties against the salt concentration. Curve parameter estimates (Equation 1): wr1 (b = 9.40, d = 87.14, e = 195.80), wr2 (b = 9.40, d = 87.14, e = 160.19), wr3 (b = 8.49, d = 89.73, e = 173.01), Baldo (b = 4.81, d = 87.12, e = 146.49), CL80 (b = 3.08, d = 60.89, e = 140.04). The salt concentration required to reduce the emergence by 50% (EC50) and the significant pairwise comparisons between EC50 (SI index) are shown below the graph (Equation 2).";
dc:description"Figure 1. Dose–response emergence curve with the average data points of the different EchinochloQ crus-gQlli populations against the salt concentration.Curve parameter estimates (Equation 1): s1 (b = 1.94, d = 55.85, e = 287.76), s2 (b = 1.52, d = 89.91, e = 222.71), s3 (b = 1.13, d = 89.91, e = 282.58), r1(b = 3.96, d = 67.67, e = 196.55), r2 (b = 6.85,d = 94.64,e = 123.58). The salt concentration required to reduce emergence by 50% (EC50) is shown below the graph. Only the significant pairwise comparisons between EC50 (SI index) are shown (Equation 2).";