dc:description"FIGURE 1. Geelus dundraad gen.n. & sp.n., habitus, dorsally. A. Male, Uitsig, Rooibos Tea; B. Female, Groenkol, Rooibos Tea; C. Male, Jamaka, on Aspalathus; D. Female, Jamaka, Aspalathus; E. Male, Koelenhof specimen; F. Female, Klipheuwel; G. Male, Wiedouw specimen, on Diosma; H. Male, Citrusdal.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Geelus haakdraad gen.n. & sp.n., male and female, habitus views.A. Male, Brandberg, dorsally; B. Male, Brandberg, dorsally; C. Male, Waterberg, dorsally; D. Female, Waterberg, dorsally; E. Male, Brandberg, laterally; F. Male, Brandberg, laterally; G. Female, Brandberg, laterally; H. Female, Waterberg, laterally; I. Female, Waterberg, laterally; J. Nymph, Brandberg, early instar; K. Nymph, Brandberg, late instar, on Galenia; L. Face, Brandberg, immaculate, on Galenia; M. Face, Waterberg, marked.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Geelus kinkeldraad gen.n. & sp.n., adult and nymph from Biesiesfontein, habitus, dorsally. A. Male, on Zygophyllum; B. Nymph, on Pteronia, early instar; C. Nymph, on Pteronia, early instar; D. Nymph, on Pteronia, late instar; E. Female, on Pteronia; F. Nymph, on Zygophyllum, late instar; G. Nymph, on Zygophyllum, late instar; H. Nymph, on Antizoma, late instar.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Geelus gen.n. species, adult and nymph, habitus, dorsally. A. Geelus vurkdraad sp.n., male, on Calobota; B. Geelus vurkdraad sp.n., female, on Calobota; C. Indeterminable species, nymph, on Calobota; D. Geelus nektanddraad sp.n., male, Biesiesfontein specimen, on Gorteria; E. Geelus nektanddraad sp.n., male, Biesiesfontein specimen, on Galenia; F. Geelus nektanddraad sp.n., female, Biesiesfontein specimen; G. Geelus nektanddraad sp.n., nymph, early instar, on Galenia; H. Geelus nektanddraad sp.n., nymph, late instar, on Gorteria.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Geelus dundraad gen.n. & sp.n., male head, wings and genitalia, line drawings. A. Head, dorsally. B. Face; C. Head, laterally; D. Tegmina; E. Hind wing; F. Aedeagus, ventrally; G. Aedeagus, laterally; H. Connective; I. Abdominal apodemes; J. Style; K. Subgenital plate; L. Genital capsule, dorsally; M. Style, apophysis, laterally; N. Style, apophysis, dorsally; O. Genital capsule, laterally.";
dc:description"FIGURE 22. Plant distribution maps with associated adults and nymphs of Geelus gen.n. species. A. Oedera genistifolia; B. Calobota angustifolia, Geelus vurkdraad sp.n.; C. Montinia caryophyllacea; D. Pteronia divariculata; E. Searsia undulata, Geelus kinkeldraad sp.n.; F. Diosma hirsuta; G. Passerina truncata subsp. truncata; H. Wiborgia mucronata, Geelus dundraad sp.n.";
dc:description"FIGURE 23. Modelled distributions and plots of Geelus gen.n. species. A. Potential natural distribution, Geelus dundraad sp.n.; B. Potential natural distribution, all species of Geelus; C. Plotted distribution of species of Geelus in South Africa.";