dc:description"Figure 266. Fruit diversity in Inga clade A young pod of Blanchetiodendron blanchetii (Benth.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes B, C Leucochloron incuriale (Vell.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes B dehisced follicular fruits exposing the seeds (C) D lomentiform fruit of Osodendron altissimum (Hook. f.) E. J. M. Koenen E indehiscent and internally septate pod of Osodendron leptophyllum (Harms) E. J. M. Koenen F auriculiform indehiscent pod of Robrichia schomburgkii (Benth.) A. R. M. Luz & E. R. Souza G young fruit of Abarema cochliacarpos (Gomes) Barneby & J. W. Grimes H dehisced twisted pod of Abarema diamantina E. Guerra, Iganci & M. P. Morim exposing the reddish endocarp and bicoloured seeds I dehisced follicle of Macrosamanea amplissima (Ducke) Barneby & J. W. Grimes J Young fruits of Zygia brenesii (Standl.) L. Rico K dehisced pods of Zygia cognata (Schltdl.) Britton & Rose L-O Indehiscent pods of Inga, with fleshy and sweety sarcotesta around the seeds L Inga grazielae (Vinha) T. D. Penn. M Inga capitata Desv. N Inga ingoides (Rich.) Willd. O Inga edulis Mart. Photo credits A, H LP Queiroz B NA Escobar C J Vieira D D Harris E P Latham, www. africanplants. senckenberg. de F LCampbell G, M, N RT Queiroz http: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com / I J Iganci J F Chinchila Romero K S de Jesus Calva L, O D Cardoso.";
dc:description"Figure 268. Habitat and habit diversity in Inga clade A Abarema cochliacarpos (Gomes) Barneby & J. W. Grimes, arborescent shrub in sandy coastal scrub B Robrichia schomburgkii (Benth.) A. R. M. Luz & E. R. Souza, buttressed emergent tree in rainforests C Leucochloron incuriale (Vell.) Barneby & J. W. Grimes, tree with thick corky bark in semi-deciduous forests D Inga bifoliolata D. B. O. S. Cardoso & Amorim, scandent treelet of rainforest understory E Zygia juruana (Harms) L. Rico treelet of the Amazonian inundated forests (igapo) F Osodendron dinklagei (Harms) E. J. M. Koenen, giant tree from the Guinean forests in West tropical Africa. Photo credits A RT Queiroz https: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com / B G Perez Huertas C F Ventura D, E D Cardoso F W Hawthorne.";
dc:description"Figure 274. Leaf and inflorescence diversity in Zygia and Inga (Inga clade) A Zygia juruana (Harms) L. Rico, dense cauliflorous capitate inflorescences B Zygia selloi (Benth.) L. Rico with elongate cauliflorous spikes C part of a leaf of Inga ingoiodes (Rich.) Willd. showing the winged leaf rachis and extrafloral nectaries between leaflet insertions D dense pyramidal spike of Inga grazielae (Vinha) T. D. Penn. E elongate cylindrical spikes of Inga marginata Willd. F pedunculate capitate inflorescence of Inga cordistipula Mart. G terminal panicle of Inga vera Kunth. Photo credits A, D, F D Cardoso B M Magenta C, E, G RT Queiroz https: // rubens-plantasdobrasil. blogspot. com /.";
dc:description"Figure 276. Distribution of Inga based on quality-controlled digitised herbarium records. See Suppl. material 1 for the source of occurrence data.";