dc:description"FIG. 1. Heads, frontal views, of native North American species of the Drosophila funebris group. A. D. limpiensis (ex: type locality: Limpia Canyon, Texas). B. D. macrospina (ex: Rochester, NY). C. D. subfunebris (ex: type series: Pasadena, CA). D. D. trispina (ex: type series: Earp, CA). To the same scale.";
dc:description"FIG. 2. Heads, lateral views, of native North American species of the Drosophila funebris group. A. D. limpiensis (ex: Limpia Canyon, TX). B. D. macrospina (ex: Piqua, OH). C. D. subfunebris (ex: Pasadena, CA). D. D. trispina (ex: Earp, CA). To the same scale.";
dc:description"FIG. 4. Epandria (male) of native North American species of the Drosophila funebris group; posterolateral views (to same scale). A. D. limpiensis (ex: Limpia Canyon, TX). B. D. macrospina (ex: Magazine Mtn., AR). C. D. subfunebris (ex: Pasadena, CA). D. D. trispina (ex: Earp, CA).";
dc:description"FIG. 5. Male genitalia of native North American species of the Drosophila funebris group, ventral views (to same scale). A. D. limpiensis (ex: Limpia Canyon, TX). B. D. macrospina (ex: St. Catherine’s Island, GA). C. D. macrospina (ex: Rochester, NY). D. D. subfunebris (ex: Pasadena, CA). E. D. trispina (ex: Earp, CA).";
dc:description"FIG. 6. External details of male terminalia, A–G: Cercal spines, right lateral views; H–K: Surstyli, lateral views. All to same scale. A. D. limpiensis (ex: Limpia Canyon, TX). B. D. limpiensis (ex: Patagonia, Arizona). C. D. macrospina (ex: New Orleans, LA). D. D. macrospina (ex: Piqua, OH), dashed line indicates spine sometimes missing. E. D. subfunebris ex: Pasadena, CA). F. G. D. trispina (ex: Earp, CA), G. showing right cercus with one less spine. H. D. limpiensis (ex: Limpia Canyon, TX). I. D. macrospina (ex: New Orleans, LA). J. D. subfunebris (ex: Pasadena, CA). K. D. trispina (ex: Earp, CA).";
dc:description"FIG. 7. Aedeagi with aedeagal apodemes, ejaculatory apodemes (B, D, E), lateral views (all to same scale). A. D. macrospina (ex: Magazine Mtn., AR). B. D. macrospina (ex: Rochester, NY). C. D. limpiensis (Limpia Canyon, TX). D. D. trispina. E. D. subfunebris.";
dc:description"FIG. 8. Detail of apices of aedeagi (ventral views) of native North American species of the D. funebris group (all to the same scale). A. D. limpiensis. B. D. macrospina (ex: New Orleans, LA). C. D. macrospina (ex: Piqua, OH). D. D. macrospina (ex: Missouri). E. D. trispina. F. D. subfunebris.";
dc:description"FIG. 9. Female terminalia (oviscapts, spermathecal capsules, and minutely scaled oviprovector membrane [internal]) of North American species of the D.funebris group (all to same scale).A. D. funebris (introduced). B. D.limpiensis. C. D. macrospina (spermatheca of limpiensis and macrospina is identical). D. D. subfunebris. E. D. trispina.";