dc:description"FIGURE 1. Lateral view of S. vittatus: (a) IHB 201804018393, holotype, 83.5 mm SL, male, freshly caught in Qingni Town, Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, South China. (b) IHB 201804018392, 74.1 mm SL, paratype, female, freshly caught in same location. (c) IHB 201804018393, 83.5 mm SL, holotype, male, kept in formalin preservative 6 months after capture. Scale bar = 10 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Ventral view of oromandibular structures in: (a) S. vittatus, IHB 201804018393, holotype, male, 83.5 mm SL, from Qingni Town, Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, South China. (b) S. parvus, IHB 201611010342, male, 56.5 mm SL, in Suichuan County, Jiangxi Province. (c) S. nigripinnis IHB 201707011818, female, 64.5 mm SL, from Yichun City, Jiangxi Province. (d) S. caobangensis, IHB 587721, 62.5 mm SL, from Li-Jiang, a tributary flowing into Xi-Jiang of Zhu-Jiang basin, at Guiling City, Guangxi Province. CS= cornified sheath, LL=lower lip, MB= maxillary barbels.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. (a) Freshly captured (lateral view); (b) and (c) kept in formalin preservative 3 days after capture (lateral and dorsal view); S. parvus, IHB 201804018395, 51.4 mm SL, from Qingni Town, Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, South China. (d) a copy of Nichols’ (1943) illustration for holotype of S. parvus; and (e) lateral view of paratype of S. parvus.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Lateral view of body in: (a) S. caobangensis (IHB 587721, 62.5 mm SL) from Li-Jiang flowing into Zhu-Jiang basin; (b) S. sinensis (201711015784, 82.5 mm SL) from Lake Dongting, at Leishi Town, Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province; and (c) S. nigripinnis (IHB 201712029529, 80.5 mm SL) from Hai-He basin, at Anyang City, Henan Province. Scale bar = 10 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Maximum likelihood (ML) tree inferred from cyt b gene for 11 putative species of Sarcocheilichthys. Numbers at major internal nodes are bootstrap values and Bayesian posterior probability values for ML /BI tree (left: only values≥50 are reported, right: only values≥0.5 are reported). Haplotypes with * were retrieved from GenBank.";