dc:description"FIGURE 1. Prothemenops irineae sp. n., SEM micrographs of female (not a paratype). A, dorsolateral view of metatarsus and tarsus of right leg I showing distribution of club-shaped trichobothria (no clavate trichobothria present). B, same in dorsodistal view. C, detail of club-shaped trichobothrium. D, scopular setae on metatarsus I. E, tarsal organ (with adhering dust particles) of right tarsus I. F, tarsal organ of right tarsus II.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Prothemenops irineae sp. n., male holotype (A, C, E – L) and female allotype (B, D). A – B, habitus, dorsal view. C – D, carapace, lateral view. E, eye group, dorsal view. F, distal part of right palp, retrodorsal view. G, same, proventral view. H, same, ventral view. I, tibia and metatarsus of right leg I, ventral view. J, tibia and metatarsus of right leg II, ventral view. K, labium and proximal part of left palpal coxa showing bristles with slightly swollen bases. L, recurved fovea with indentation in posterior margin.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Prothemenops phanthurat sp. n., male holotype (A, C – D, F – L) and female allotype (B, E). A – B, habitus, dorsal view. C, carapace, lateral view. D, fovea, dorsal view. E, labium and palpal coxae, ventral view. F, distal part of right palp, retrodorsal view. G, same, ventral view. H, palpal organ, prolateral view. I, tibia of left leg I, ventral view. J, tibia and metatarsus of right leg I, ventral view. K, tibia and metatarsus of right leg II, ventral view. L, right tarsus I showing pseudosegmentation, prodorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Prothemenops khirikhan sp. n., male holotype (A, D – J) and female allotype (B – C). A – B, habitus, dorsal view. C, labium and palpal coxae, ventral view. D, eye group, dorsal view. E, distal part of right palp, retroventral view. F, same, retrodorsal view. G, same, ventral view. H, same, proventral view. I, tibia and metatarsus of right leg I, ventral view. J, tibia and metatarsus of right leg II, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Prothemenops irineae sp. n. A, right palpal organ of male holotype, retrolateral and slightly distal view. B, same, ventral and slightly distal view. C, left receptacle of exuvia of paratype, ental view (anterior is to the right, posterior to the left). D – G, vulvae of four female paratypes, dorsal view (D = allotype). Abbreviations: a = genital atrium, ae = apex of embolus, b = base of receptacle, be = base of embolus, dh = distal hematodocha, h = head of receptacle, pa = para-embolic apophysis, s = stalk of receptacle, st = subtegulum, t = tegulum, ue = uterus externus. Scale lines 0.1 mm (C), 0.5 mm (A – B, D – G).";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Map of Southeast Asia (without southernmost Thailand and without peninsular Malaysia) showing localities of the three species treated in here (squares with numbers) and the currently known geographic range of the genus Prothemenops (grey area). 1, P. khirikhan sp. n.; 2, P. irineae sp. n.; 3, P. phanthurat sp. n.";