dc:description"FIGURE 18. Medionops simla (Chickering) new comb. A male holotype, habitus, dorsal view. B female paratype, habitus, dorsal view. C external genitalia of female paratype, ventral view. D left palp of male holotype, prolateral view. E left palp of male holotype, retrolateral view. F female paratype internal genitalia, dorsal view. Abbreviations: ap—anterior plate, dmrdistal margin of receptaculum, ess—external sclerotization around spiracles, go—genital opening, if—internal fold, mcmedian concavity, re—receptaculum, pp—posterior plate, ue—uterus externus.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Medionops claudiae n. sp., male holotype (IBSP 17717). A habitus, dorsal view. B habitus, ventral view. C sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. D left palp, prolateral view. E left palp, retrolateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Medionops claudiae n. sp., A – C Male paratype (IBSP 19458), D – L Male from Caraíva, Brazil (IBSP 36569). A left palp, prolateral view. B tip of left embolus, posterior view. C same, prolateral view. D same, retrolateral view. E tarsal claws on left leg IV, prolateral view. F tarsal claws on left leg I, prolateral view. G setae on left tarsus I, prolateral apical view. H same, detail of setae, prolateral apical view. I same, detail of frictional setae, prolateral apical view. J metatarsus on left leg I, ventral view. K metatarsus on left leg I, ventral apical view. L join between metatarsus and tibia, ventral view. Abbreviation: CwS—claw slit sensilla, gl—gladius.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Medionops blades n. sp. A male holotype, habitus, dorsal view. B female paratype, habitus, dorsal view. C external genitalia of female paratype, ventral view. D left palp of male holotype, prolateral view. E left palp of male holotype, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: ap—anterior plate, ess—external sclerotization around spiracles, go—genital opening, ppposterior plate.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Medionops blades n. sp., male from type locality (AMNH). A carapace, lateral view. B clypeus, lateral view. C carapace, dorsal oblique view. D sternum and mouthparts, ventral view. E labium and endites, ventral view (arrows point to the acute projections). F serrula, ventral oblique view. G chelicerae, lateral view. H left palp, prolateral view. I tibial brush, prolateral view. J tip of palpal embolus, prolateral view (arrow points to the blade – shaped projection). K tip of palpal embolus, retrolateral view (arrow point at blade – shaped projections). L detail from tip of palpal embolus, retrolateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Medionops blades n. sp., A – I male from type locality (AMNH), J – L female from type locality (AMNH). A tarsus on left leg III, prolateral view. B tarsal claws on left leg III, dorsal oblique view. C tarsal organ on left leg III, dorsal view. D tarsal claws on left leg IV, prolateral view. E tarsus on left leg IV, prolateral view. F tarsal organ on left leg IV, dorsal view. G tarsal claws on left leg IV, retrolateral oblique view. H detail of unpaired claw of left leg IV, retrolateral oblique view. I trichobothrial base on left metatarsus IV, dorsal oblique view. J internal genitalia, dorsal view. K internal genitalia, anterior view. L internal genitalia, posterior view. Abbreviations: aj—adesmatic joint, ar—arolium, ap—anterior plate, dmr—distal margin of receptaculum, if—internal fold, mc—median concavity, re—receptaculum, pp—posterior plate, t—tracheal trunk, ue—uterus externus.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Medionops cesari (Dupérré) new comb. A male from QCAZ, habitus, dorsal view. B female from QCAZ, habitus, dorsal view. C external genitalia of female from QCAZ, ventral view. D left palp of male from QCAZ, prolateral view. E left palp of male from QCAZ, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: ap—anterior plate, ess—external sclerotization around spiracles, go—genital opening.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Medionops cesari (Dupérré) new comb., A – F Male from QCAZ, G – I Female from QCAZ. A left palp, prolateral view. B tibial brush on left palp, prolateral view. C cymbium, dorsal oblique view. D tip of embolus, ventral oblique view. E tip of embolus, prolateral view. F detail of chemosensory setae on cymbium, dorsal oblique view. G internal genitalia, dorsal view. H internal genitalia, posterior view. I internal genitalia, anterior view. Abbreviations: ap—anterior plate, dmr—distal margin of receptaculum, if—internal fold, mc—median concavity, re—receptaculum, pp—posterior plate, t—tracheal trunk, ue—uterus externus.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Medionops murici n. sp., A male holotype, habitus, dorsal view. B female paratype, habitus, dorsal view. C external genitalia of female paratype, ventral view. D left palp of male paratype, prolateral view. E left palp of male paratype, retrolateral view. Abbreviations: ap—anterior plate, ess—external sclerotization around spiracles, go—genital opening.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Medionops murici n. sp., male (IBSP 85199). A tarsus on left leg I, retrolateral view. B tarsal claws on left leg I, retrolateral view. C join of tarsus and metatarsus on left leg I, ventral view. D detail of join of tarsus and metatarsus on left leg I, ventral view. E left leg II, retrolateral view. F join of tarsus and metatarsus on left leg II, ventral oblique view. G tarsal claws on left leg II, retrolateral view. H tarsal organ on left leg II, dorsal view. I tarsal organ on left leg IV, dorsal view. J tarsal claws on left leg IV, retrolateral view. K tarsal claws on left leg IV, dorsal view. L detail of tarsal claws on left leg IV, dorsal view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 19. A – F Medionops simla (Chickering) new comb, left palp of male from Arima (AMNH). G – L Medionops tabay n. sp., left palp of male from La Montaña, Mérida (AMNH). A prolateral view. B tibial brush, prolateral view. C stridulatory pick at base of palpal femur, prolateral view. D tip of embolus, prolateral view. E tip of embolus, dorsal oblique view. F tip of embolus, dorsal view. G prolateral view. H ventral view. I detail of chemosensory setae path from cymbium, prolateral view. J tip of embolus, prolateral view. K tip of embolus, ventral view. L tibial brush, prolateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 21. Map of South America showing distribution of Medionops species. Triangle, Medionops blades n. sp.; plus sign, Medionops cesari (Dupérré) n. comb.; square, Medionops claudiae n. sp.; tears, Medionops murici n. sp.; diamond, Medionops ramirezi n. sp.; circles, Medionops simla (Chickering) n. comb.; heart, Medionops tabay n. sp.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Medionops ramirezi n. sp., male (MNRJ 6371). A left leg I, prolateral oblique view. B join of tarsus and metatarsus on left leg I, prolateral oblique view. C join of tarsus and metatarsus on left leg I, prolateral view. D metatarsus on left leg II, ventral oblique view. E join of tarsus and metatarsus on left leg II, ventral oblique view. F detail of the crista, ventral oblique view. Abbreviations: ca—crista, gl—gladius.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Medionops ramirezi n. sp., A – F Male (MNRJ 6371), left palp G – I Female paratype, internal genitalia (MACN). A prolateral view. B ventral view. C tibia, prolateral view. D tip of embolus, ventral view. E tip of embolus, retrolateral view. F tip of embolus, prolateral view. G dorsal view. H posterior view. I anterior view. Abbreviations: ap—anterior plate, dmr—distal margin of receptaculum, if—internal fold, pp—posterior plate, ue—uterus externus.";