dc:description"FIGURE 1. Live specimens. A. Polycirrus rubrointestinalis n. sp.; B – C. Polycirrus cruciformis n. sp.; D – E. Polycirrus oculeus n. sp. D, AM W. 44612, other specimens not preserved. Scale bars: A, D, E = 0.3 mm, B = 0.2 mm, C = 0.15 mm. All photos by Alexander Semenov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Polycirrus rubrointestinalis n. sp., holotype AM W. 47655. A – D. Entire incomplete worm, dorsal, right and left lateral, and ventral views (anteriorly), respectively; E – G. Thorax, ventral, right and left lateral views, respectively; H – I. Closer views of the thorax, right lateral and dorsal views, respectively; J – L. Close ups of the anterior end, dorsal, left lateral and ventral views, respectively. Numbers refer to segments. Abbreviations: ll = lower lip, P = basal part of prostomium, ul = upper lip, * = distal part of prostomium. Scale bars: A – D = 0.4 mm, E – K = 0.2 mm, L = 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Lysilla pacifica, AM W. 47520, A. Notochaetae, segment 8. Polycirrus oculeus n. sp., holotype NTM W. 23159, B – C. Progressively closer views of the notochaetae of segment 19; D. Uncini, segment 23; E – F. Uncini of two posterior neuropodia. Polycirrus rubrointestinalis n. sp., paratype AM W. 47658, G – H. Notochaetae, segments 6 and 12, respectively; I – K. Uncini, segments 6, 12 and 24, respectively. Scale bars: A – B, G = 30 µm, C, H = 20 µm, D – F = 5 µm, I – K = 6 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Polycirrus rubrointestinalis n. sp., paratype AM W. 47651. A – C. Entire worm, right and left lateral, and ventral (anteriorly) views, respectively; D – G. Thorax, ventral, right lateral, dorsal and left lateral views, respectively; H – K. Anterior end, left lateral, ventral and two dorsal views under slightly different angles, respectively; unspecified arrow in I points to first neuropodium; L. Close up of the oral area; M. Posterior end, left dorso-lateral view. Numbers refer to segments. Abbreviations: i = inner region of lower lip, ll = lower lip, o = outer region of lower lip, P = basal part of prostomium, ul = upper lip, * = distal part of prostomium. Scale bars: A – C = 300 µm, D – G = 150 µm, H = 50 µm, I – K = 70 µm, L – M = 40 µm.";