dc:title"First report of a bothremydid turtle, Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., from the early Paleocene of Pakistan, systematic and palaeobiogeographic implications";
dc:description"FIG. 1. — Location and stratigraphic position of fossil material: A, location of the Laki Range in eastern Sindh Province, southern Pakistan, and simplified geological map of the Ranikot Fort area (adapted from Schelling 1999); B, stratigraphic position of the fossil assemblage within the Waddi Sawri section. Note that the base of this section is close to the base of the Khadro Formation; in this area the thickness of the Khadro Formation is c. 80 m, and the fossil locality K18-12 is in the lower Khadro Formation.";
dc:description"FIG. 2. — Turtle shell, CPAG-RANKT-V-3, holotype of Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., in situ, during and after excavation at the locality K18-12: A, carapace in posterior view; A1, close-up of a lateral border showing the presence of a venerid bivalve in life position inside the carapace; B, carapace in dorsal view after excavation and split into three blocks. Scale bar: 30 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 3. — Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., holotype CPAG-RANKT-V-3, from the Paleocene of Ranikot, locality K18-12, Southern Pakistan: A, B, shell photographs in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views. Scale bar: 10 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 6. — Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., holotype CPAG-RANKT-V-3, from the Paleocene of Ranikot, locality K18-12, Southern Pakistan: left anterior part of the shell in oblique posterolateral view showing the delimitation of marginals 2 and 3, and of plastral scutes by the indentation at the end of sulci border, and the ventral bulges of the scutes. Abbreviations: ax b, axillary buttress; 3d per, third peripheral. The arrows indicate ends of sulci at the border of the peripherals and anterior plastral lobe. Scale bar: 5 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 9. — Comparison of the decoration of Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp.from the Paleocene of Ranikot,locality K18-12, Southern Pakistan,and Taphrosphys sulcatus (Leidy, 1856) from the early Paleocene of New Jersey (United States): A-D, Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., holotype CPAG-RANKT-V-3: A, nuchal part; B, left peripherals 2, dorsal face with smaller polygons than in other parts; C, suprapygal-pygal part, dorsal views; D, imprint of an isolated plate, ventral view; E-G, Taphrosphys sulcatus: E, AMNH 1470, “Barnsboro, N.J.” (Cope collections), nuchal border of three plates, dorsal view; F, G, AMNH 2522, «Tinton Falls, N.J.», syntype: F, peripheral 6 (medial plate of three in Leidy (1856: pl. 19, fig.4), and in Gaffney et al. (2006: fig. 20), dorsal view; G, xiphiplastron, ventral view. Scale bars: A-C, E-G, 5 cm; D, 2 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 5. — Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., holotype CPAG-RANKT-V-3, from the Paleocene of Ranikot, locality K18-12, Southern Pakistan: A, anterolateral part of the carapace after removal of a part of the costal 1 with part of the neural l and the costal 2, to show the imprints of the thoracic ribs 1 and 2, and axillary buttress, in dorsal view; B, same removed part in ventral view. Abbreviations: ax b, axillary buttress; cost 1, costal 1; n1, neural 1; nu, nuchal; per 2, peripheral 2; rib 1, rib 2, medial part of thoracic ribs 1 and 2. Scale bar: 4 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 7. — Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., holotype CPAG-RANKT-V-3, from the Paleocene of Ranikot, locality K18-12, Southern Pakistan. Medioanterior part of the shell,the nuchal being removed,showing a part of the dorsal face of the anterior lobe with the sulci limiting the overlapping scales. Scale bar:5 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 8. — Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., holotype CPAG-RANKT-V-3, from the Paleocene of Ranikot, locality K18-12, Southern Pakistan. A-D, decoration in various parts of the shell: A, isolated piece with the imprint of the mesoplastral external surface; B, marginal part of peripheral 10, dorsal view; C, left costal 1 part, posterior border at mid-width, dorsal view; D, a costal lateral border, in dorsal view; E, right hyoplastral part, ventral view. Scale bar: 5 cm.";