dc:creator"Cherman, Mariana A.; Basílio, Daniel S.; Clarkson, Bruno; Agostinis, André O.; Smith, Andrew B. T.; Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z.; Almeida, Lúcia M.";
bibo:journal"Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society";
dc:creator"Cherman, Mariana A.; Basílio, Daniel S.; Clarkson, Bruno; Agostinis, André O.; Smith, Andrew B. T.; Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z.; Almeida, Lúcia M.";
dc:title"New and revised taxa of Neotropical Diplotaxini (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae): do they change the existing relationships? Revisiting systematics with morphological and molecular data";
dc:description"Figure 4. Diagnostic features and transformations that support Homalochilus. Head in dorsal view (A), head and anterior portion of prothorax in dorsolateral view (B); head in frontal view (C); maxilla (D); labium (E); elytra, white square indicates erect setae (F); head, pronotum, scutellum and proleg (G), thoracic and abdominal ventrites, white lines indicate size of ventrites (H). White arrows in each figure indicate transformations and/or detailed features.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Homalochilus nigripennis. Male holotype habitus (A); head and pronotum (B); lateral (C); posterior (D) views; metatibial apex (E); parameres in dorsal (F) and lateral (G) views. White arrow indicates the longest spur.";
dc:description"Figure 13. Head in frontoventral view (A–C) and left mandible (D–G) of some Neotropical Diplotaxini. Careocallus tehuelche (A, D); Pachrodema sp. (B–G); Liogenys suturalis (Blanchard) (C, E); Homalochilus punctatostriatus (F).";
dc:description"Figure 7. Liogenys niger (Blanchard) comb. nov.. Male neotype habitus (A), labels (E), and complete series at MLUH (D); female lectotype (B) and labels (F); non-uniform body colour variation (C); male in lateral (G) and posterior (I) views; detail of ventrites II and II with medial tubercle (H); parameres in dorsal (J) and lateral (K) views.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Careocallus tehuelche. Male holotype habitus (A), head and pronotum (B), lateral (C), metatibia (D), posterior (E), and parameres in dorsal (F) and lateral (G) views.";