dc:description"FIGURE 2. Photograph of Baryonychinae teeth from the Feliz Deserto Formation. LPUFS 5860: A, mesial view; B, distal view; C, labial view; D, lingual view; E, apical view; F, highlight of flutes (out of scale); G, highlight of enamel texture (out of scale); H, serrated carina. LPUFS 5870: I, mesial view; J, distal view; K, labial view; L, lingual view; M, apical view; N, highlight of flutes (out of scale); O, highlight of enamel texture (out of scale); P, serrated carina. LPUFS 5871: Q, mesial view; R, distal view; S, labial view; T, lingual view; U, apical view; V, highlight of flutes (out of scale); W, highlight of enamel texture (out of scale); X, serrated carina. Scale bars equals 10 mm, but in H, P, and X scale bars equals 1 mm. Anatomical abbreviations: dca-distal carina; de-denticles; ent-enamel surface texture; flu-flutes; mca-mesial carina.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Denticulated carinae in spinosaurids. A, LPUFS 5860 specimen; B, LPUFS 5870 specimen; C, LPUFS 5871 specimen; D, Baryonyx NHMUK PV R.9951 R.278 specimen; E, Suchomimus MNN G73-3 specimen. Scale bar equals 1 mm. Images D and E extracted and modified from Hendrickx et al. (2019; Fig. 15, p. 59).";