dc:description"FIGURE 2. (A–F) Caudal views of the pygophores (pyg) of males of the maya species group displaying the bifid medial process with rami (rm). In these taxa, the base of the medial process is greatly reduced giving the impression of the rami being inserted directly on the posterior rim of the pygophore. The rami are often broadly spaced from one another and render the medial process either V-shaped, as frequently observed in A. pipil (see C), or lyre-shaped (most male A. venosus). Figs. A– F are not to scale. (G–J) Dissected right parameres. All scale bars for Figs. G– J represent 0.25 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Dorsal (A–D) and lateral (E–H) views of the aedeagus of males of the maya species group.An arrow-shaped dorsal phallothecal sclerite (dps) is commonly seen in males of these species (subconical in A. immundus). Note the paired triangular projections (tp) positioned basally on the dps of Apiomerus maya (B & F); these projections are absent in other maya group taxa. The basal dorsolateral sclerites of the endosoma (bdls) can be short and round (A. maya), moderately elongated with fine sculpturing basally (A. immundus), or greatly elongated and slightly twisted (A. pipil and A. venosus). The number of peg-like endosomal denticles (ed) aligned longitudinally along the distal dorsal lobes of the endosoma (ddl) varies across the group. In some taxa, notably A. immundus and some A. venosus, lateral sclerotizations of the endosoma (ls) may be observed along the endosoma’s proximal dorsolateral surface. All scale bars represent 0.5 mm.";