dc:title"Additions to the description of Paroplocephalus atriceps (Serpentes: Elapidae) with a discussion on pupil shape in it and other Australian snakes";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. A, eye of preserved Paroplocephalus atriceps (R 151290) showIng the effect of ethanol on IrIs and pupIl colour. In lIfe, the IrIs has a large upper flare of golden-yellow that has gone altogether and the pupIl has been changed from black to whIte. In some preserved IndIvIduals, the pupIl Is IndIscernIble from the IrIs altogether. B, eye of Paroplocephalus atriceps showIng round pupIl wIth slIght apIcal bulge. DurIng dIlatIon and constrIctIon pupIl eXpands or reduces equIdIstantly from Its centre maIntaInIng a round shape. C, eye of Suta fasciata showIng a rough-edged round pupIl, whIle the IndIvIdual In D has a smooth-edged round pupIl although In some lIterature It Is descrIbed as vertIcally ellIptIc. DurIng dIlatIon and constrIctIon pupIl eXpands or reduces equIdIstantly from Its centre maIntaInIng a round shape and any blemIshes around Its cIrcumference. E, eye of Echiopsis curta showIng round pupIl, although In some lIterature It Is descrIbed as vertIcally ellIptIc. DurIng dIlatIon and constrIctIon pupIl eXpands or reduces equIdIstantly from Its centre maIntaInIng a round shape. (Photo by B. Maryan). F, eye of Acanthophis pyrrhus showIng narrow vertIcally ellIptIc pupIl. DurIng dIlatIon and constrIctIon pupIl eXpands or narrows laterally.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Paroplocephalus atriceps showIng domInant brown dorsal colour In western populatIon and green In eastern populatIon. Bottom photo by S Thompson.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Map of AustralIa showIng the known dIstrIbutIon of Paroplocephalus atriceps In Western AustralIa. The easterly dot represents the Fraser Range records.";