dc:description"FIGURE 4. Photomicrographs of S. muelleri from life (A–F). A. Ventral view of a representative specimen, showing macronuclear nodules and position of contractile vacuole; B. Indicating buccal ciliature; C. Section showing macronuclear nodules and micronuclei; D, E. Showing specimens in extended form; F. Cortical granulation and somatic cilia; G. Indicating mitochondria (?); H. Anterior part of live specimen, showing contractile vacuole with collecting canal; Arrowhead in (A) indicating holdfast organelles; Arrowhead in (D) indicating lorica; Arrowheads in (G) point to mitochondria (?); Arrowheads in (H) indicating collecting canal; AZM, adoral zone of membranelles; CV, contractile vacuole; CG, cortical granules; MA, macronuclear nodules; MI, micronuclei; PK, peristomial kineties, SC, somatic cilia, SK, somatic kineties. Scale bars: A=100 μm, D=200 μm, C=10 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Photomicrographs of S. muelleri after protargol impregnation (A–D). A, B. Ventral views of representative specimens, showing ciliature and nuclear apparatus; C. Showing paroral membrane; D. Basal bodies of somatic cilia; Arrowheads in (D) point to basal bodies of somatic cilia; AM, adoral membranelles; AZM, adoral zone of membranelles; MA, macronuclear nodules; MI, micronuclei; PM, paroral membrane; PK, peristomial kineties; SK, somatic kineties. Scale bars: A=50 μm, B=10 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Line diagrams of S. muelleri from life (A–C) and after protargol impregnation (D, E). A. A representative specimen; B. Showing cortical granulation; C. Somatic cilia; D, E. Ventral and dorsal views of the voucher specimens, showing the somatic ciliature and the nuclear apparatus; Arrowhead in (D) point to basal bodies of somatic cilia; AM, adoral membranelles; AZM, adoral zone of membranelles; CG, cortical granules; MA, macronuclear nodules; MI, micronuclei; PK, peristomial kinety; PM, paroral membrane; SC, somatic cilia; SK, somatic kinety. Scale bars: A=100 µm, C=10 µm, D, E=50 µm.";