dc:description"FIGURE 8. Comaster. (A – G) Comaster schlegelii— (A) live, exposed on sediment; (B) aboral surface, showing pentagonal centrodorsal lacking cirri; (C) live, exposed on reef; (D) paired comb teeth of equal shape, well separated and confluent with edge of pinnular, tapering to pinnule tip; (E) aboral surface, showing pentagonal centrodorsal with row of cirri; (F), live, tucked within coral structure; (G) aboral surface showing centrodorsal with ring of cirri. (H – M) Comaster audax— (H – I) live, exposed on reef, (J – L) aboral surface showing centrodorsal with few cirri, yellow distally; (M) paired comb teeth of equal shape, well separated and confluent with edge of pinnular, tapering to pinnule tip. Madang, Papua New Guinea: A – B. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8147; C. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8178; E. MNHN-IE- 2013 - 8071. I, L. not vouchered, SIO-BIC E 5998 (DNA subsample). Raja Ampat, Indonesia: D, F. SIO-BIC E 6260; G. SIO-BIC E 6261; H. not vouchered. K, M. SIO-BIC E 6258. Lizard Island, Australia: J. AM J 17567, holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Maximum likelihood tree of Comaster inferred from COI. Symbols and labels as in Figure 2. Location abbreviations — Madang, Great Barrier Reef, Australia (GBR); Papua New Guinea (PNG); Raja Ampat, Indonesia (Raja); Goodwyn Island, Western Australia (WA). New COI sequences are Genbank KR 010330 - KR 010347.";