dc:title"Increasing diversity of land planarians (Platyhelminthes: Geoplanidae) in the Interior Atlantic Forest with the description of two new species and new records from Argentina";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Map with the known distribution of Geoplana quagga, Obama ladislavii, and Paraba multicolor throughout Brazil (original extension of the Atlantic Forest in dark grey). In detail, the Argentine portion of the Atlantic Forest (Misiones province) with the new records of these species and localities of the new species here described. (CIAR) Centro de Investigaciones Antonia Ramos, (MO) Moconá Provincial Park, (OS) Osununú Private Reserve, (SA) San Antonio, (SE) Salto Encantado Provincial Park.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Pasipha quirogai sp. nov. (A) Photograph of preserved specimen (holotype), in dorsal view (arrowheads indicate the position of the mouth andgonopore, respectively).(B) Half of a transverse section at the cephalic region(onthe left) and at the pre-pharyngeal region (on the right). (C–E) Transverse sections of the pre-pharyngeal regionwith details:glandular margin (C), dorsal to intestine (D), ventral to intestine (E). (F) Sagittal section of the pharynx. Scale bars: A: 5mm, B: 200µm, C: 50µm, D, E: 100µm, F: 500µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Pasipha quirogai sp. nov. (A–D) Sagittal sections at the level of the prostatic vesicle (small folds of the male atrium indicated by arrows). (E) Schematic reconstruction of the copulatory apparatus in sagittal view. (F–H) Sagittal sections of thereproductive system:copulatory apparatus(F), ovary (G), detail of the femaleatrium (H).Scale bars:A–D, G, H: 200µm, E, F: 500µm.";