dc:description"FIG. 22. — Species of the informal group Jsowerbyia-Beyregrex n. gen.-Pseudotrophonopsis n. gen.: A, B, Jsowerbya sexdentata (Sowerby, 1823), BMNH GG22673 (Burton coll.), Colwell Bay, Wight Island, England, late Eocene (Priabonian); C, D, Beyregrex sarroniensis (Carez, 1870), n. comb., MNHN.F.J02576 (figured specimen of Cossmann & Pissarro 1911: pl. 35, fig.169-14), Sarron, Oise, Paris Basin, France, early Eocene (Ypresian); E, F, B. hantoniensis (Edwards, 1866),n. comb.,Morton coll., Middle Headon Brockenhurst bed, Whitecliff Bay, Wight Island, England,late Eocene (Priabonian); G, H, B. pereger (Beyrich, 1854), n. comb.,MNHN.F.A90561 (Lozouet & Maestrati coll.), Auvers-Saint-Georges,Essonne,Paris Basin,France, early Oligocene (Rupelian); I-L, Pseudotrophonopsis defossa (Pilkington, 1804), n. comb.: I, J, MNHN.F.J17634 (Cossmann coll.), Barton-on-Sea, Hampshire, England, middle Eocene (Bartonian); K, A. Smith coll. (juvenile specimen), upper Barton bed H, Barton Highcliffe; L, MNHN.F.A90560 (Munier-Chalmas coll.), Le Vouast, Oise, late Eocene (Priabonian). Scale bars: A-J, L, 5 mm; K, 1 mm. Credits: A, B, D. Serrette (MNHN); C, D, G-J, L, P. Loubry (MNHN/CNRS); E-F, K, A. Morton.";
dc:description"FIG. 1. — Strict Consensus tree of 7 equally parsimonious trees (length 107, ci 0.53, ri 0.78) generated by Winclada and computed using the option Heuristic Analysis (mult* max*), all characters non additive.";