dc:description"FIGURE 10. Spicules of sponges of the order Hadromerida; A – C—Mucronate tylostyles of Cliona cf. mucronata, family Clionaidae; D – F—Tylostyles of the order Hadromerida; G, H—Tylostyles of Terpios sp., family Suberitidae; I, J, P, R—Anthasters of Diplastrella cf. megastellata, family Spirastrellidae; K – M—Spherostyles of Sphaerotylus sp. 1, family Polymastiidae; L – O—Spherostyles of Sphaerotylus sp. 2, family Polymastiidae; Q—Microsclere spiraster of family Spirastrellidae or Clionaidae; S – Y—Verticillate strongyles of Dotona pulchella Carter, 1880, family Clionaidae.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Spicules of recent representants of the order Hadromerida; A—Subtylostyle of Cliona mucronata (redrawn from Calcinai 2005); B—subtylostyle of Cliona mucronata (redrawn from Vacelet & Vasseur 1971); C—Club-shaped spicules of Sphaerotylus vanhoeffeni (described as S. capitatus; redrawn from Hentschel 1914; size from 504 to 1080 µm).";
dc:description"FIGURE 31. Other demosponge spicules and their hypothetical assignment; A—Strongyle-like spicule of unidentified sponge; B – F—Different types of fusiform spicules of unidentified sponge; G; H—Styles of unidentified sponge; I—Club-shaped spicule of unidentified sponge; J, K—Rhabdostyles of unidentified sponge; L—Comma spicule of unidentified sponge; M—Sculptured, acanthostrongyle-like spicule of unidentified sponge.";