dc:description"Figure 1. Habitus of Sisyroneurorthus aspoeckorum gen. et sp. nov., holotype female (CAU-BA-NH- 22001) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. A. Dorsal view; B. Left lateral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 2. Wing venation of Sisyroneurorthus aspoeckorum gen. et sp. nov., holotype female (CAU-BA-NH- 22001) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. A. Right forewing; B. Right hind-wing. Abbreviations. A (a) - anal vein; A 1 - A 3 - first to third anal vein; Cu (cu) - cubitus; CuA - cubitus anterior; CuP - cubitus posterior; M (m) - media: MA - media anterior; MP - media posterior; R (r) - radius; RA - radius anterior; RP - radius posterior; Sc (sc) - subcosta; ScP - subcosta posterior. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Details of Sisyroneurorthus aspoeckorum gen. et sp. nov., holotype female (CAU-BA-NH- 22001) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. A. Left anterolateral view of head and antenna; B. Left anterolateral view of mouthparts; C. Right anterolateral view of mouthparts; D. Distinct trichosors present on apical wing margin in right forewing; E. Obscured trichoshors on posterior margin in right forewing. Abbreviations. lp - labial palpus; mp - maxillary palpus. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A-C); 0.1 mm (D, E).";
dc:description"Figure 4. Terminalia of Sisyroneurorthus aspoeckorum gen. et sp. nov., holotype female (CAU-BA-NH- 22001) in mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber. A. Left lateral view of terminalia; B. Left lateral view of terminalia with white line indicating each segment, gonapophyses and gonocoxite; C. Right ventrolateral view of terminalia; D. Right ventrolateral view of terminalia with white line indicating each segment and gonapophyses. Abbreviations. e - ectoproct; gp - gonapophyses; gx - gonocoxite; S - sternum; T - tergum. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.";