dc:creator"Friis, Else Marie; Crane, Peter R.; Pedersen, Kaj Raunsgaard";
dc:title"The Early Cretaceous Mesofossil Flora Of Torres Vedras (Ne Of Forte Da Forca), Portugal: A Palaeofloristic Analysis Of An Early Angiosperm Community";
dc:description"Text-fig. 28. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of monocolpate pollen of Goczania inaequalis sp. nov.; Torres Vedras locality, Portugal. a) Holotype; stamen fragment that yielded the pollen in (b–f, k); b) Group of pollen grains showing distal and proximal surfaces and inner surface of anther wall with densely spaced orbicules; c) Inner surface of anther wall showing small, spherical orbicules with microechinate sculpturing; d, e, j–l) Pollen grains in distal and equatorial view (k) showing the long colpus with an irregular margin flanked by narrow bands of poorly differentiated microechinate; note that colpus is aligned perpendicular to the longest axes in elliptical grains and that the pollen wall is almost psilate around the equator and in the distal";
dc:description"Text-fig. 48. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of monocolpate pollen from a coprolite; Torres Vedras locality, Portugal. a) Coprolite that yielded the pollen in this Text-figure as well as several other kinds of pollen; b) Reticulum of pollen grain showing the tall, sharp muri and obconical columellae; c–e) Grains of Goczania inaequalis sp. nov. intermixed with pollen grains that have a coarse, loosely attached reticulum with tall, sharp muri and sparse columellae; note the weak transverse striations on the muri and that the reticulum is much larger than the main body of the grain that it encloses. Specimen, TV44-S148023. Scale bars 300 Μm (a), 6 Μm (c–e), 3 Μm (b).";