dc:title"Redescription and phylogenetic position of the enigmatic Neotropical electric fish Iracema caiana Triques (Gymnotiformes: Rhamphichthyidae) using x-ray computed tomography";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Skull roof and brain case of the left side of Iracema caiana (MZUSP 49205, 235 mm SL). (a) Lateral view; (b) Midsagittal view. Anterior to left. Scale bar is 5 mm. Abbreviations: v = ventral ethmoid+vomer; met = mesethmoid; pas = parasphenoid; fr = frontals; obs = orbitosphenoid; pts = pterosphenoid; pro = prootic; spo = sphenotic; pto = pterotic; pa = parietal, bo = basioccipital; exo = exoccipital; epo = epioccipital; and soc = supraoccipital.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Suspensorium and oral jaws of the left side of Iracema caiana (MZUSP 49205, 235 mm SL). (a) Lateral view; (b) Midsagittal view.Anterior to left. Scale bar is 5 mm.Abbreviations: p = premaxilla; m = maxilla; ant = antorbital; d = dentary; cm = coronomeckelian bone; ang = anguloarticular; rar = retroarticular; enp = endopterygoid; q = quadrate; ib = intermuscular bones of adductor mandibulae; sym = symplectic; mpt = metapterygoid; and h = hyomandibula.";
dc:description"Fig. 3. Lateral view of the skull and cleithral region of Iracema caiana, (a) MZUSP 49205, 235 mm SL, scale bar is 5 mm; (b) MZUSP 49205, 345 mm SL, snout bent upwards due to preservation artifact. Scale bar is 10 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Opercular series of the left side of Iracema caiana series in lateral view (except branchiostegals; MZUSP 49205, 235 mm SL). Abbreviations: pop = preopercle; iop = interopercle; sop = subopercle; and op = opercle.";
dc:description"Fig. 8. Weberian apparatus of right side (image reversed) of Iracema caiana (MZUSP 49205, 235 mm SL). Left side ribs and parapophysis removed. Anterior to left. Scale bar is 5 mm. Abbreviations: c1-c2 = centrum; s= scaphium; i = intercalarium; os = os suspensorium; t = tripus; bl = Baudelot’s ligament; na3-na4 = neural arches; sn = supraneural; ns = neural spine; pp4 = parapophysis 4 and r5-r6 = ribs.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Pectoral girdle of left side of Iracema caiana (MZUSP 49205, 235 mm SL; pectoral fin rays digitally removed). (a) Lateral view; (b) Midsagittal view. Anterior to left. Scale bar is 5 mm. Abbreviations: pt+scl = posttemporal + supracleithrum; cl = cleithrum; co = coracoid; sc = scapula; mco = mesocoracoid; and ra = radials.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Scale shape above the lateral line at about two thirds of body. (a) Iracema caiana, MZUSP 49205; (b) Rhamphichthys marmoratus, MZUSP 49205; (c) Gymnorhamphichthys rosamariae, MCP 24359; and (d) Hypopomus artedi, ANSP 177489. Lateralview of left side.Anterior to left.Scale bar is 1 mm.";