dc:description"FIGURE 2. A Adenocalymma hypostictum, discoid glands of the calyx. B. Gurania bignoniacea, urceolate calyx. C. Cayaponia tayuya, campanulate calyx. D. Melothria fluminensis, short laxiflorous raceme. E. Paullinia racemosa, fruit with oblong and apiculate wings. F. Paullinia trigonia, fruit with elliptical wings and absent apicule. G. Serjania subimpunctata, fruit with oblong wings. H. Serjania salzmanianna, fruit with ovate wings. I. Stigmaphyllon salzmanii, fertile branch with fruit showing the wing expansion facing the base. J. Heteropterys nordestina, fertile branch with fruit showing the wing expansion facing the apex. K–M. Leaves and detail of the colleters, K. Blepharodon nitidum, L. Mandevilla moricandiana, M. Matelea maritima. N. Coccoloba ochreolata, ochrea.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Tendril disposition. A. Cissus erosa, opposite to the leaves. B. Gouania virgata, C. Passiflora alata, axillary. D. Psiguria umbrosa, in acute angle with the petiole E-F. Serjania subinpunctata, E. In the inflorescence base, F. detail G. Smilax syphilitca, on the apex of the sheath.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. A. Desmoncus polyacanthos, leaf. B–C. Bract and inflorescence, B. D. orthacanthos, C. D. polyacanthos. D. Mucuna pruriens, part of the inflorescence. E–G. Dalechampia species, bracts, E. D. convolvuloides, F. D. Braziliensis, G. D. pernambucensis. H. Davilla aspera, heteromorphic sepals, internal 2, bigger than the external 3. I–J. Mendoncia blanchetiana, I. Branch with fruits surrounded by bracts and persistent stigma J. Detail of bract.";