dc:creator"Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Crozier, Francoise; Ghogue, Jean-Paul; Hoekstra, Paul H.; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Johnson, David M.; Murray, Nancy A.; Sonke, Bonaventure";
dc:creator"Couvreur, Thomas L. P.; Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J.; Crozier, Francoise; Ghogue, Jean-Paul; Hoekstra, Paul H.; Kamdem, Narcisse G.; Johnson, David M.; Murray, Nancy A.; Sonke, Bonaventure";
dc:description"Figure 85. Piptostigma calophyllum A detail of leaf apex B detail of leaf base C detail of pubescence (lower portion of leaf) D detail of inflorescence with old flower (sepals and petals fallen), note compact nature of the inflorescence E flower, whole F flower, top view G longitudinal section of receptacle H stamen, front view I carpel side view and detail of ovules A-I from Halle, N. 2263. Drawings by Helene Lamourdedieu, Publications Scientifiques du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris; modified from Le Thomas (1969 b, pl. 36, p. 195 and fig. 19, p. 115).";
dc:description"Figure 86. Piptostigma calophyllum A habit B base of leaf blade, lower side, note numerous secondary veins C base of leaf blade, upper side D base of leaf blade, lower side E flowering branch F detail of receptacle, note numerous carpels G detail of lower part of flower. Piptostigma fugax H habit I flower, note single flowered inflorescence A-G Couvreur 1167 b, Mapubi, Cameroon H, I Couvreur 681, Campo Ma'an, Cameroon. Photos Thomas L. P. Couvreur.";
dc:description"Map 10. A Monodora myristica B Monodora tenuifolia C Monodora undulata D Monodora zenkeri E Neostenanthera myristicifolia F Neostenanthera neurosericea G Neostenanthera robsonii H Piptostigma calophyllum I Piptostigma fugax. White borders represent region limits in Cameroon; green patches represent protected areas (see methods and Suppl. material 1: Fig. S 1).";