dc:description"Fig. 1 (next page). Trilobodrilus windansea sp. nov. A, D, G, H. Light micrographs; B, D-F. SEM micrographsofseveraladultspecimens.A.Adultlivespecimenindorsoventralview.B.Adultspecimen in lateral view. C. Adult specimen in ventral view. D. Detail of the prostomium of a live specimen in dorsoventral view. E. Detail of prostomium and anterior body region in lateral view, with the insert showing the additional ciliary row posterior to the second ciliary band. F. Detail of the prostomium in dorsal view. G. Detail of the posterior body region of an adult live female with two eggs. H. Detail of thedorsalepidermis of anadultlivespecimen withepidermal inclusions, one of themenlarged ininsert. Abbreviations: acf = anterior ciliary field; acr, additional ciliary row; act = apical ciliary tuft; cb1–3 = ciliary bands 1–3; egg = eggs; ei = epidermal inclusion; ict = intermediate ciliary tuft; mdt = middorsal ciliary tuft of the second ciliary band; mo = mouth opening; no = nuchal organ; np = neuropil; pcc =prostomial compound cilia; phb = pharyngeal bulb; pyg =pygidium; sto =stomach; vct = ventral ciliary tract.All images oriented with the anterior tip to the left.All scale bars = 50 µm, if not denoted otherwise.";
dc:description"Fig. 2.Phylogenetic tree resultingfrom Bayesiananalysisbased on combinedCOI, 18S, and 28SrRNA genesequencesofalreadyknownandsequencedspeciesandthenewlydescribedspeciesofTrilobodrilus Remane, 1925. Numbersabovenodes indicate maximum-likelihoodbootstrap supportvalues inpercent (> 60%), and numbers below nodes indicate posterior probabilities from Bayesian inference (> 0.90), respectively. The yellow box labels the two species from the West Coast of the USA, the orange box the species from Japan, which are collectively labelled by the red box as Pacific species.The green box labels speciesrecordedfrom theAtlantic,and all these speciesformthe cladeTrilobodrilus(violetbox).";