dc:description"FIGURE 10. A. Pseudopomatias prestoni n. sp., holotype, NHMUK 20130423.1; B. P. prestoni n. sp., Indien, NHMW 109194; C. P. siyomensis Godwin-Austen, 1917, holotype, NHMUK 3406.03.7.1; D. P. himalayae, Himalaya, Darjiling, NHMUK 1860.; E. P. himalayae, syntype, UMZC 102695; F. P. peguensis (Theobald, 1864), Pegu, Burmah, NMW. 1894.015; G. P. shanensis n. sp. holotype, NHMUK 1903.7.1.1631.1; H. P. reischuetzi n. sp., holotype, NHMUK 1903.7. 1.1549. 1. Photos: A, C – D, G – H: H. Taylor; B: J. Harl; E: J. Gundry; F: B. Rowson. Scale bars = 5 mm; the smaller one refers to the photos of the whole shell, the larger one refers to the photos showing the lateral and basal side of the shells.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. SEM images of the protoconch (A – B) and operculum (C, E – F: outer side, D: inner side) of Pseudopomatias sp. A. P. nitens n. sp., HNHM 98834; B. P. amoenus Möllendorff 1885, China, Yunnan, Yiliang Xian, Jiuxiang Fengjingqu, 1818 m, 25 ° 04.27306 ' N, 103 ° 22.87032 ' E, leg. Nakahara, Y., Ohara, K., Okubo, K. & Otani, J. U., 10.06. 2005., coll. PGB; C. P. amoenus, Indochine, leg. Messager, MNHN 2012 - 26983; D. P. amoenus, Tonkin, Muong-Hum, between Muong-Hum and the Clouds Pass (Col de Nuages), near the latter one, more than 2000 m a. s. l., leg. Messager, MNHN 2012 - 26997; E – F. P. e o s, Nantou Xian, Renai Xiang, Meifeng-Songgang road, around km 14, 2120 m asl., 24 ° 05.103 ' N 121 ° 10.257 ' E, leg. Hunyadi, 20.10. 2014.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Different areas of north-eastern India mentioned in the text. See also Table 3. 1: Sikkim, 2: Aka Hills, 3: Garo Hills, 4: Khasi Hills, 5: Dafla Hills, 6: Abor Hills, 7: Naga Hills.";