dc:description"FIGURE 11. Ungla martinsi sp. nov. External features. A) Head and pronotum, dorsal. B) Habitus, dorsolateral. C) Head, frontal. A, C) Paratype ♂; B) Paratype ♀.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Ungla martinsi sp. nov. Forewing, paratype ♂. Note the basal inner gradate meeting the Psm (arrow) and the black mark on the stigma of the fore- and hindwings. bsx = basal subcostal crossvein; c. a = costal area; cx = costal crossvein; ig = inner gradates; im = intramedian cell; og = outer gradates; Rs = radial sector; rx = radial crossvein; stg = stigma; Psc = pseudocubitus; Psm = pseudomedia.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Ungla martinsi sp. nov. Male abdomen. A) Male terminalia, lateral; B-C) Gonarcal complex, dorsal. Note the variation in the angle of aperture between the two specimens; D-E) Gonarcal complex, lateral. Note the variation in the horn shape; F) Gonarcal complex, frontal; F) Gonarcal complex, frontal. ap-gs = lateral apodemes of the gonarcus; ar = arcessus; cc = callus cerci; gs = gonarcus; gsac = gonosaccus; gst = gonosetae; h = horn of lateral apodeme of gonarcus; s = spiracle; S 7 = seventh sternite; S 8 + 9 = fused sternites 8 and 9; T 9 + ect = fused ninth tergite and ectoproct. A – B, D. Holotype; C, E – F) paratype.";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Ungla martinsi sp. nov. Female abdomen, paratype. A) Female terminalia, lateral. B) Callus cerci. Note the long trichobothria. C) Spermathecal complex, lateral. D) Spermathecal complex, dorso-lateral. E) Subgenitale, frontal. cc = callus cerci; g. l. = gonapophysis lateralis; S 7 = seventh sternite; sg = subgenitale; sp = spermatheca; sp. d. = spermathecal duct; T # = tergite number; T 9 + ect = fused ninth tergite and ectoproct; v = velum; v. i. = ventral invagination.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Ungla martinsi sp. nov. Stalked egg cluster. A) Full view. B) Enlargement. Note the short, slender stalks that attach the eggs to the heavier main stalk. p = pedicellum.";