dc:description"FIGURE 1. Automate anacanthopusoides sp. nov., holotype, female (MBM 270274), CL 4.9 mm. A, body in lateral view; B, anterior margin of carapace, dorsal view; C, left major cheliped; inner view; D, same, outer view; E, right minor cheliped, inner view; F, same, chela, outer view; G, same, fingers, outer view. Scale bars: a = 2 mm; b, e – g = 0.5 mm; c, d = 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Automate anacanthopusoides sp. nov., holotype, female (MBM 270274), CL 4.9 mm. A, left second pereiopod; B, right third pereiopod; C, right fourth pereiopod; D, left uropod and telson; E, left mandible; F, left maxillule; G, left maxilla; H, left first maxilliped; I, left second maxilliped; J, maxilliped. paratype, female (MBM 210082), CL 4.2 mm. K, anterior margin of carapace, dorsal view; L, minor cheliped, outer view; M, fifth pereiopod; N, second pleopod. paratype, female (MBM 210101), CL 4.1 mm. O, anterior margin of carapace, dorsal view; P, major cheliped, inner view; Q, same, fingers, outer view. Scale bars: a – o, q = 0.5 mm; p = 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Automate dolichognatha De Man, 1888, female (MBM 270027), CL 4.1 mm. A, anterior margin of carapace, dorsal view; B, same, lateral view; C, D, major cheliped; E, right second pereiopod; F, right third pereiopod; G, same, propodus and dactylus; H, right fourth pereiopod; I, same, propodus and dactylus; J, right fifth pereiopod; K, same, propodus and dactylus; L, right second pleopod; M, telson and right uropod; N, left mandible; O, left maxillule; P, left maxilla; Q, left first maxilliped; R, left second maxilliped; S, left third maxilliped. Scale bars: a, b, f – r = 0.5 mm; c – e = 1 mm.";