dc:description"FIGURES 1 – 9. Madenemura spp. 1, Madenemura sp., wings, after a photograph; 2, M. culminalis, male abdominal tip, lateral; 3 – 9, M. andringitrensis: 3, detached and opened ventral portion of abdominal segment 9, oblique dorsal view; 4, the detached paraproct body with the retractor muscles; 5, female sternite 8 plus 9, in situ; 6, female sternite 9, detached; 7, dorsal view of center of male T 10 with epiproct; 8, caudal part of baseplate and hook of epiproct in side view; 9, the isolated paraproct body, dorsal view. 3 and 4 not to scale, 5, 6 and 7, 8 to the same scale, respectively. bb, basal bar; bp, epiproct baseplate; ce, cercus; gp, gonopore; mu, muscles; pb, paraproct body; rm, retractor muscle; S, T, sternite and tergite, respectively, with number of corresponding segment; sd, sperm duct; sp, sperm pump; vl, ventral lobe.";
dc:description"FIGURES 10 – 17, Madenemura spp., males. 10 – 12, M. descarpentriesi: 10, central part of T 10 with epiproct baseplate and epiproct, cerci diagrammatic; 11, dorsoventral view of slide-mounted paraproct body; 12, apex of baseplate and epiproct hook, lateral view. 13, 14, M. culminalis: 13, central part of T 10 with epiproct baseplate and epiproct, cerci diagrammatic; 14, dorsoventral view of slide-mounted paraproct body; 15, apex of baseplate and epiproct hook, lateral view. 16, 17, Madenemura sp., perhaps sp. 3 of Paulian (1959): 16, abdominal tip, lateral, semidiagrammatic, paraproct body shaded, arrow points at raised antecosta 10, inset below shows caudal edge of T 10 in dorsal view; 17, epiproct, lateral. 12 and 15 – 17 not to scale.";
dc:description"FIGURES 18 – 24, Madenemura spp., female abdominal tips, in lateral (even numbers) and ventral (uneven numbers) view; after photographs, semidiagrammatic: 18, 19: M. andringitrensis. 20, 21: M. descarpentriesi. 22, 23: M. culminalis; 24: M. pauliani sp. n. (holotype). Same scale for all.";