dc:title"n the type species of the genus Aetius O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896: The first description of male with notes on cymbial notch and mating plug (Araneae: Corinnidae: Castianeirinae)";
dc:description"FIGURE 1 A – D. Digital photographs of Aetius decollatus from Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India. A Male, dorso-lateral view; B Female, dorsal view; C Male, lateral view; D Female, lateral view. Photo credit A – D Karunnappilli S. Nafin.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3 A – E. Aetius decollatus. A Male habitus, dorsal view; B Female habitus, dorsal view; C Female, frontal view; D Female habitus, lateral view; E Male habitus, lateral view (arrows indicate tufts of long white hairs). Scale bar: A – E: 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4 A – E. Aetius decollatus. A Male left palp, prolateral view; B Same, ventral view; C Same, retrolateral view; D Expanded palp with twisted bulb showing tegular neck inserted into the cymbial semi-circular notch, ventro-retrolateral view; E Same, retrolateral view. Scale bar: A – E: 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5 A – G. Aetius decollatus. A Male left palp, prolateral view; B Same, ventral view; C Same, retrolateral view; D Expanded palp with twisted bulb showing tegular neck inserted into the cymbial semi-circular notch, ventral view; E Same, retrolateral view; F Embolus, enlarged, ventral view, G Female left tarsus III, lateral view (arrow indicates paired short ventral spine-like setae). Abbreviations: CN—cymbial semi-circular notch, E—embolus, PR—prolateral ridge, PB—prolateral bulge of tegulum, RTA—retrolateral tibial apophysis, SD—sperm duct, ST—subtegulum, T—tegulum, TN—tegular neck. Scale bars: A – E: 1 mm; F: 0.5 mm; G: 0.15 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8 A – C. Aetius decollatus. A Epigyne, ventral view; B Same, dorsal view; C Same, with mating plug in the right copulatory opening, ventral view. Abbreviations: CD—copulatory duct, CO—copulatory opening, FD—fertilisation duct, MP—mating plug. Scale bar: A – C: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2 A – C. Aetius decollatus. A Male habitus, dorsal view; B Same, ventral view; C Same, lateral view. Abbreviations: ES—epigastric sclerite, IS—inframamillary sclerite, VS—ventral sclerite. Scale bar: A – C: 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6 A – E. Aetius decollatus. A Holotype female, dorsal view; B Same, lateral view; C Female habitus (from Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, India), dorsal view; D Same, lateral view; E Female habitus (from Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India), with variation in the anterodorsal reddish-orange pattern, dorsolateral view; F Female abdomen, ventral view. Abbreviations: ES—epigastric sclerite, VS—ventral sclerite. Scale bar: A – F: 2 mm. Images A & B by Zoë Simmons.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7 A – D. Aetius decollatus. A Epigastric sclerite and epigyne, ventral view; B Epigyne showing mating plug (arrow) in the right copulatory opening; C Epigyne cleared, dorsal view; D Epigyne (holotype), dorsal view. Scale bar: A – D: 0.5 mm. Image D by Zoë Simmons.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9 A – B. Aetius decollatus. View of the collection sites of fresh materials: A Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala; B Pollachi, Tamil Nadu. Photo credit A – B by Karunnappilli S. Nafin.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Map showing the current collecting records of Aetius decollatus. Θ— new record, Ɨ /? — records from literature, question mark indicates that type locality in Sri Lanka is unknown.";