dc:creator"Rabosky, Daniel L.; Doughty, Paul; Huang, Huateng";
dc:title"Lizards in pinstripes: morphological and genomic evidence for two new species of scincid lizards within Ctenotus piankai Storr and C. duricola Storr (Reptilia: Scincidae) in the Australian arid zone";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Photographs in life of Ctenotus duricola senso lato individuals. A) eastern form (clean morphology) — Skull Springs, eastern Pilbara, WA (WAM R 175335; photo: R. J. Ellis); B) eastern form—Gillam Siding, Abydos, WA (photo: B. Maryan); C) western form (spotted morphology) — Juna Downs, Hamersley Range, WA (photo: B. Maryan); D) western form—near Pannawonica, Hamersley Range, WA (photo: G. Harold).";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Lateral-dorsal perspective of the forebodies of Ctenotus. From top to bottom: A) C. piankai (WAM R 108934), B) C. rhabdotus sp. nov. (WAM R 110581), C) C. duricola (WAM R 111876), and D) C. pallasotus sp. nov. (WAM R 119931). Scale bar is 10 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. (A) Geographic distribution of morphological forms within the nominate species ‘ C. piankai ’ (blue triangles, gray circles) and ‘ C. duricola ’ (red circles, yellow triangles). Relative to C. piankai from the interior deserts (blue triangles), northern populations from the Kimberley, Ord, Victoria River and northern Tanami desert (gray circles) are characterized by darker ground coloration, more midbody scale rows, and dorsal stripes that extend anteriorly onto the parietal scales (Figs. 1, 3). (B) Distribution of ‘ clean’ (red circles) and ‘ spotted’ (yellow triangles) morphological forms within ‘ C. duricola ’ in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The ‘ clean’ morphology (Figs. 2 A, B; Fig. 3 C) is largely restricted to the eastern Pilbara, although several individuals from the westernmost edge of the range of C. duricola (North West Cape and Barrow Island) were observed to have this morphology. Several geographic features of north-western Australia discussed in the text are labeled in Fig. 4 B: NWC, North West Cape peninsula; D, De Grey River; F: Fortescue River Basin, AR, Ashburton River.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. (A) Maximum likelihood phylogeny of cytochrome B sequences (n = 99) from C. duricola, C. piankai, C. rhabdotus sp. nov., and C. pallasotus sp. nov., with branch lengths proportional to the estimated number of substitutions that have occurred. Clades are labeled by their ultimate taxonomic designation. Black circles on interior nodes denote nodes with strong support from both maximum likelihood (bootstrap proportion> 0.99) and Bayesian (posterior probability> 0.99) phylogenetic analyses. (B) Geographic distribution of C. piankai (blue triangles) and C. rhabdotus sp. nov. (gray circles) mtDNA haplotypes. (C) Geographic distribution of C. duricola (red circles) and C. pallasotus sp. nov. (yellow triangles) haplotypes in the Pilbara region. Arrows (n = 3) denote individuals with mtDNA genotypes that are in conflict with the general geographic distribution of duricola and pallasotus - type haplotypes. Genome-wide RAD data for these individuals suggest that limited mtDNA introgression has occurred between C. pallasotus sp. nov. and C. duricola (see Fig. 10).";