dc:title"Morphology and histology of dorsal spines of the xenacanthid shark Orthacanthus platypternus from the Lower Permian of Texas, USA: Palaeobiological and palaeoenvironmental implications";
dc:description"Fig.8. A.Reconstruction ofthe dorsal spine(mainly the denticulated region) of Orthacanthus platypternus, basedon specimens HMNS-T1 and HMNS-T2. B, C. Reconstructions of the dorsal spine of Orthacanthus meridionalis (modified from Soler-Gijón 1999: fig.10); PU-XE76 (B) PU-XE19 (C). Note that distal denticles belong to the first spine (juvenile).The intersection of the first major growth line and the denticulated border of the spine indicate the proximal end of the denticulated region of the first spine; the following “spines” exhibit the distal denticles and those corresponding to each new growth stage.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Bivariate plots of relationship between width and height in cross sections of Orthacanthus dorsal spines. A. Orthacanthus platypternus (Lower Permian, Craddock Bone Bed, Texas, USA). B. Comparison of O. platypternus with O. meridionalis (Upper Carboniferous, Puertollano, Spain) and Orthacanthus sp. (Upper Carboniferous, Robinson, Kansas, USA). Note the linear regression (y = 0.91x + 0.15; n = 65, r2 = 0.98) calculated by Donelan and Johnson (1997) for the isolated dorsal spines of O. platypternus. The maximum and minimal values are also included here for a comparative reference; values of the rest of the specimens are not included for clarity. Grey shaded areas indicate approximate intervals of the three size clusters corresponding to juveniles and adults according the biometric analysis by Donelan and Johnson (size intervals are based on unpublished data presented in a poster at 57th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Chicago, October 1997). Note the ontogenetic trajectories of several individuals of O. platypternus (HMNS-T2 and HMNS-J3), O. meridionalis (PU-XE19, 20, 74 and 76) and Orthacanthus sp. (KUVP-72324) showing stages SP1–n spine proper). Data from O. meridionalis and Orthacanthus sp. after Soler-Gijón (1999: table 1 and figs. 4–8). Vertical grey arrows point to the position in the linear regression for SMU specimens according the maximum width values at the proximal end of denticulated regions: 3.5 mm (SMU 68799), 4.5 mm (SMU 68800) and 8.4 mm (SMU 68801). Abbreviations: SP1–5, spines 1–5; SpPr, spine proper.";
dc:description"Fig.3. External morphology of dorsal spines of Orthacanthus platypternus (Cope, 1884), Lower Permian, Craddock Bone Bed, Texas, USA. A. HMNS-T1, juvenile,lateral view.B. SMU 68799,juvenile, posterior view.C. SMU 68800, juvenile, posterior (C1) and postero-lateral (C2) views.D. SMU 68801, adult, denticulated, postero-lateral view (D1) and non-denticulated, posterior view (D2) regions. Numbers 1 to 17 point to the positions of the denticles along the posterior sides of the spines. Numbers 1’ to 17’ correspond to the right row of denticles.Grey areas in B–D2 represent sedimentary matrix. Scale bars 5 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Serial longitudinal sections of dorsal spine of Orthacanthus platypternus (Cope, 1884), Lower Permian, Craddock Bone Bed, Texas, USA; specimen HMNS-T2, where A represents the most proximal section and E is the most distal. Samples C–E include the denticulate region. Photos of the sections (A1–E1), interpretative drawings (A2–E2). Scale bars 1 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 5. Serial cross-sections (A, C, D) of dorsal spine of Orthacanthus platypternus (Cope, 1884), Lower Permian, Craddock Bone Bed, Texas, USA; specimen HMNS-J3, where A represents the most proximal section and D is the most distal. B. Detail of section in A showing three minor growth lines close to the base of the right denticle in the figure (arrows).";
dc:description"Fig. 6. Cross-sections of dorsal spines (non-denticulated region) of Orthacanthus platypternus (Cope, 1884), Lower Permian, Craddock Bone Bed, Texas, USA. Comparison between the smallest, specimen HMNS-T1 (A), and the largest Orthacanthus dorsal spine sampled, specimen HMNS-J1 (B). Posterior sides of the spines are pointing to the top of the figure.";
dc:description"Fig. 7. Cross-section of dorsal spine of Orthacanthus platypternus (Cope, 1884), Lower Permian, Craddock Bone Bed, Texas, USA; specimen HMNS-J7 non-denticulated region) showing color-banding in centrifugal trabecular dentine and growth lines in lamellar dentine. A. General view (posterior side of spine towards the top of the figure). B, C. Details of periphery showing pairs of growth lines (marked by arrows) in the centrifugal lamellar dentine. D. Detail of interglobular spaces within the centripetal lamellar dentine (arrows denote interglobular spaces).";