dc:description"Figure 2. Selected ostracod species from the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean, collected during the EASIZ II (PS 48/ANT XV-3) and ANDEEP I, II and III cruises (PS 61/ANT XIX-3, PS 67/ANTXXII-3, PS 67/ANTXXII-4) on board the RV Polarstern. A, Australicythere sp. (Eastern Weddell Sea, ANDEEP II, station 132, 2084 m); B, Macroscapha opaca Maddocks, 1990 (Eastern Weddell Sea, EASIZ II, station 133, 2043m); C, Cytherella rwhatleyi Brandão, 2008a (holotype, Eastern Weddell Sea, station 89, EASIZ II, 1639 m); D, Ayressoleberis bathymarina (Ayress, 1993) (Western Scotia Sea, ANDEEP II, station 141-10, 2369 m); E, Bythopussella brandtae Brandão, 2008b (paratype, Western Weddell Sea, ANDEEP II, station 133-3, 1123 m); F, Legitimocythere sp. (Western Weddell Sea, EASIZ II, station 272, 2076 m); G, Neonesidea keyseri Brandão, 2008 (Eastern Scotia Sea, ANDEEP II, station 140-8, 2965 m) (this species belongs to a new genus, which was not named due to the few specimens available); H, Poseidonamicus tainae Brandão inBrandão & Päplow,2011 (Western Scotia Sea,ANDEEP I, station 41-3, 2380 m); I, Bythocypris malyutinae Brandão, 2008b (holotype, Weddell Sea, ANDEEP III, station 102-13, 4818 m); J, Krithidae sp. (WesternWeddell Sea, EASIZ II, station 272, 2076 m); K, Henryhowella sp. (Western Scotia Sea, ANDEEP I, station 42-2, 3681 m); L, Pseudobosquetina nobilis Jellinek et al., 2006 (Western Weddell Sea, ANDEEP II, station 134-4, 4059 m); M, Retibythere (Bathybythere) sp. nov. (Western Scotia Sea, ANDEEP I, station 131-3, 3055 m).";