dc:description"FIGURES 2A–E. Hexapopha spp., A H. harveyi sp. nov., correlation in size between male endites and female genitalia: male (MPEG 37880; PBI_OON 45845) carapace on the left, female (MPEG 37881; PBI_OON 46058) abdomen on the right. B–E male endites, ventral view. B H. una sp. nov. C H. harveyi sp. nov. D H. fannesi sp. nov. E H. ubicki sp. nov. Abbreviations: la, labium; mp, median projection; P, projection; pmp, posteromedian part of endite.";
dc:description"FIGURES 18A–I. Hexapopha fannesi sp. nov., male, SEM images (MPEG 10860; PBI_OON 45340). A–B carapace. A lateral view. B ventral view. C mouthparts, ventral view. D endites, lateral view. E detail of D, showing projection P1. F–G left palp. F prolateral view. G retrolateral view. H–I embolus. H prolateral view. I retrolateral view. Abbreviations: la, labium; mp, median projection; P, projection.";
dc:description"FIGURES 16A–L. Hexapopha harveyi sp. nov., SEM images. A–G male (MPEG 37880; PBI_OON 46845). H–L female (PBI_OON 46058). A carapace, ventral view. B mouthparts, ventral view. C right endite, detail of projections. D detail of projection P1 of endites. E–F embolus. E prolateral view. F retrolateral view. G left palp, retrolateral view. H abdomen, ventral view (arrow: epigastric scutum). I detail of H, showing postepigastric scape. J epigastric region, ventral view. K internal genitalia, dorsal view. L detail of K, showing anterior sclerite. Abbreviations: as, anterior sclerite; mp, median projection; P, projection; sc, postepigastric scape; vs, ventral surface of distal hook of posterior sclerite.";
dc:description"FIGURES 25A–L. Hexapopha delta sp. nov., male, SEM images (MPEG 37092; PBI_OON 52668). A–B carapace. A lateral view. B ventral view. C–D mouthparts, ventral view. E endites, ventral view. F detail of E, showing projection P2. G abdomen, ventral view. H sperm pore, ventral view. I–J left palp. I prolateral view. J retrolateral view. K–L embolus. K prolateral view. L retrolateral view. Abbreviations: mp, median projection; P, projection.";
dc:description"FIGURES 31A–L. Hexapopha platnicki sp. nov., SEM images. A–H male (MPEG 37731; PBI_OON 45513). I–L female (MPEG 37731; PBI_OON 45513). A carapace, ventral view. B endites, ventral view (asterisk: prolateral process of P1). C detail of B, showing projection P2. D abdomen, lateral view. E–F left palp. E prolateral view. F retrolateral view. G–H embolus. G prolateral view. H retrolateral view. I carapace, ventrolateral view. J epigastric region, ventral view. K internal genitalia, dorsal view. L detail of K, showing T-shaped anterior genitalic process.Abbreviations: as, anterior sclerite; d, duct; mp, median projection; P, projection.";
dc:description"FIGURES 20A–L. Hexapopha erebai sp. nov., male, SEM images (MPEG 10911; PBI_OON 45821). A–B carapace. A anterior view. B ventral view. C mouthparts, ventral view. D chelicerae, anterior view. E abdomen, ventral view. F sperm pore, ventral view. G prosoma pedicelar region, detail of process (arrow). H–I left palp. H prolateral view. I retrolateral view. J–K embolus. J prolateral view. K retrolateral view. L trichobothrial base, metatarsus III, dorsal view. Abbreviations: mp, median projection; P, projection.";
dc:description"FIGURES 17A–I. Hexapopha fannesi sp. nov., male (holotype) (MPEG 37770; PBI_OON 45692). A–B habitus. A dorsal view. B lateral view. C–E carapace. C dorsal view. D ventral view. E anterior view. F mouthparts, ventral view. G abdomen, ventral view. H–I left palp. H prolateral view. I retrolateral view. Scale bars: 0.1mm.";