dc:description"Figure 2: Map showing Correntinean populations (black dots) studied by cytogenetics, mtDNA phylogeny and SSR clustering. Numbered black dots correspond to the following localities: 1-Arroyo Pehuajó, 2-Costa Mansión, 3-Estancia San Luis, 4-Mburucuyá, 5-Manantiales, 6-Loma Alta, 7-Pago Alegre, 8-Rincón de Ambrosio, 9-Colonia 3 de Abril, 10-Saladas Sur, 11-Saladas Centro, 12-Saladas Norte, 13-San Roque, 14-Goya, 15-Chavarría, 16-Paraje Sarandicito, 17-Mbarigüí, 18-Paraje Angostura, 19-San Alonso, 20-Paraje Caimán, 21-Loreto, 22-Curuzú Laurel, 23-San Miguel, 24-Santa Rosa, 25-Estancia la Tacuarita, 26-Contreras Cué. The extent of occurrency of the seven Correntinean lineages delimited in this paper was drawn according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (Anonymous 2012). We used different colors for depicting lineages: Ctenomys roigi (green), C. dorbignyi (blue), C. perrensi complex (red), Sarandicito (orange), Iberá i (pink), Iberá ii (light purple), Iberá iii (violet).";
dc:description"Figure 3: Phylogeny based on the complete cyt-b sequence of 138 Octodontid taxa. Nodes with Bayesian posterior probability value <0.7 were collapsed into polytomies. Diploid (2n) and fundamental (FN) numbers are shown next to each terminal, based on data published by Argüelles et al. (2001), Tomasco and Lessa (2007), Caraballo et al. (2015) and references therein.";