dc:description"FIGURE 2. Distribution of North Pacific Latrunculiidae species: A. Gulf of Alaska, U. S. A and British Columbia, Canada; B. Central Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska, U. S. A. Locality data for the four Kurile Island specimens of Latrunculia (Uniannulata) oparinae subgen. nov. taken from Samaai & Krasokhin (2002) and Samaai et al. (2006). L = Latrunculia, B = Bomba gen. nov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Latrunculia (Latrunculia) hamanni sp. nov.: A. NHMUK 2008.3. 27.2, Aleutian Islands, 146 m, in situ; B. Paratype RBCM 015 - 00483 - 001, Kanaga Island, central Aleutian Islands, 150 m, in situ, with L. oparinae (left, green specimen); C. Paratype RBCM 015 - 00483 - 001, preserved specimen; D. NMHUK 2011.2. 11.4, Kiska Island, western Aleutian Islands, 88 m, deck photo; E. Paratype RBCM 015 - 00481 - 002, Umnak Island, eastern Aleutian Islands, 265 m, preserved specimen. Scale bar for all images 5 cm. Fig. 5 A – C reproduced with permission from Stone et al. (2011). Fig. 5 D reproduced with permission from James Sims, image taken aboard NOAA Fisheries FV Sea Storm. Fig. 5 E by Robert Stone.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Megascleres and microscleres of Latrunculia (Latrunculia) hamanni sp. nov.: A. Histological section showing palisade of anisodiscorhabds in outermost ectosome, a paratangential layer of megascleres below palisade, and cavernous choanosome beneath ectosome (from NHMUK 2006.8.24.1), scale = 200 µm; B. Acanthose head of anisostyle with retrovert spines (from NHMUK 2008.3.27.2), scale = 10 µm; C. Typical anisodiscorhabds (from NHMUK 2006.8.24.2), scale = 20 µm; D. Typical anisodiscorhabds (from NHMUK 2008.3.27.2), scale = 20 µm; E. Range of protoanisodiscorhabds as they mature (from NHMUK 2008.3.27.2), scale = 20 µm; F. Upper portion of anisodiscorhabd showing subsidiary whorl, and tufted apical whorl and apex (from NHMUK 2006.8.24.1), scale = 10 µm; G. Lower portion of anisodiscorhabd showing basal whorl and lower manubrium (from NHMUK 2008.3.27.2), scale = 10 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Comparison of diagnostic anisodiscorhabds in living species of Latrunculia (Latrunculia) du Bocage, 1869, Latrunculia (Biannulata) Samaai, Gibbons & Kelly, 2006, and Latrunculia (Uniannulata) subgen. nov., not to scale: A. L. (L.) triverticillata Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; B. L. (L.) fiordensis Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; C. L. (L.) oxydiscorhabda Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; D. L. (L.) cratera du Bocage, 1869; E. L. (L.) bocagei Ridley & Dendy, 1886; F. L. (L.) basilis Kirkpatrick, 1908; G. L. (L.) brevis Ridley & Dendy, 1886; H. L. (L.) palmata Lévi, 1964; I. L. (L.) ikematsui Tanita, 1968; J. L. (L.) novaecaledoniae Samaai et al., 2006; K. L. (L.) austini Samaai et al., 2006; L. L. (L.) hamanni sp. nov.; M. L. (L.) ciruela Hajdu et al., 2013; N. L. (L.) copihuensis Hajdu et al., 2013; O. L. (L.) verenae Hajdu et al., 2013; P. L. (L.) yepayek Hajdu et al., 2013; Q. L. (B.) kaakaariki Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; R. L. (B.) duckworthi Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; S. L. (B.) procumbens Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; T. L. (B.) wellingtonensis Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; U. L. (B.) kaikoura Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; V. L. (B.) millerae Alvarez, Bergquist & Battershill, 2002; W. L. (B.) spinispiraefera Brøndsted, 1924; X. L. (B.) purpurea Carter, 1881; Y. L. (B.) lunaviridis Samaai, Gibbons, Kelly & Davies-Coleman, 2003; Z. L. (B.) microacanthoxea Samaai, Gibbons, Kelly & Davies-Coleman, 2003; AA. L. (B.) gotzi Samaai, Janson & Kelly, 2012; AB. L. (B.) kerwathi Samaai Janson & Kelly, 2012; AC. L. (B.) algoaensis Samaai Janson & Kelly, 2012; AD. L. (B.) janeirensis Cordonis, Moraes & Muricy, 2012; AE. L. (B.) lincfreesi sp. nov.; AF. L. (B) triloba (Schmidt, 1875); AG. L. (U.) oparinae Samaai & Krasokhin, 2002; AH. L. (U.) velera Lehnert et al., 2006. Fig. 16 A – J, Q – AC reproduced with permission from Zootaxa (Magnolia Press) from Fig. 6 in Samaai et al. (2012), Fig. 16 M – P reproduced with permission from Zootaxa from Fig. 9 in Hajdu et al. (2013), Fig. 16 AD reproduced with permission from Dr Guliherm Muricy, and Fig. 16 AH reproduced with permission from Zootaxa.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Morphology, megascleres and microscleres of Latrunculia (Uniannulata) oparinae Samaai & Krasokhin, 2002 subgen. nov. comb. nov.: A. RBCM 015 - 00489 - 001, central Aleutian Islands, in situ; B. Specimen on left (green) in situ with L (L.) hamanni sp. nov. (right, brown specimen), Kanaga Island, central Aleutian Islands, 150 m, in situ; C. NHMUK 2011.2. 11.1, specimen on deck; D. RBCM 015 - 00487 - 001, scale = 1 cm; E. NHMUK 2006.8. 24.3, specimen on deck; F. Histological section showing palisade of anisodiscorhabds in outermost ectosome, a paratangential layer of megascleres below palisade, and cavernous choanosome below, scale = 200 µm; G. Acanthose head of anisostyle with retrovert and conical spines on apex (from RBCM 015 - 00490 - 003), scale = 20 µm; H. Typical anisodiscorhabd (from RBCM 015 - 00490 - 003), scale = 20 µm; I. Typical anisodiscorhabd (from NHMUK 2008.3.27.1), scale = 20 µm; J. Typical anisodiscorhabd (from NHMUK 2006.8.24.3), scale = 20 µm; K. Anisodiscorhabd manubrium and basal whorl (left) and apical whorl and apex (right) (from RBCM 015 - 00490 - 003), scale = 20 µm; L. Base of anisodiscorhabd showing manubrium and basal whorl (from NHMUK 2006.8.24.3), scale = 20 µm; M. Protorhabd (from RBCM 015 - 00490 - 003), scale = 20 µm; N. Immature anisodiscorhabds (from NHMUK 2006.8.24.3), scale = 20 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Megascleres and microscleres of Latrunculia (Latrunculia) austini Samaai et al. 2006: A – D. Anisodiscorhabds from holotype RBCM 982 - 62 - 1 showing variations, scale = 10 µm; E. Typical anisodiscorhabd from Gulf of Alaska specimen NHMUK 2008.3. 27.3, scale = 10 µm; F. Megascleres shown at full length, scale = 100 µm; G. Smooth proximal and distal tips of megasclere, scale = 10 µm; H. Protorhabd showing well-separated basal whorl progenitor above manubrium, scale = 10 µm; I – J. Malformed anisodiscorhabds with deficient or absent apical whorls and indistinguishable basal whorl and manubrium, scale = 10 µm; K – N. Anisodiscorhabds with semi-differentiated basal whorl and manubrium, scale = 10 µm; O – R. Anisodiscorhabds with manubrium completely separate from basal whorl, scale = 10 µm; Fig. 4 F – Q images taken from specimen RBCM 015 - 00478 - 001, Queen Charlotte Sound, British Columbia. Fig. 4 A – D reproduced from Samaai et al. (2006, Fig. 1 O).";