dc:creator"Bennett, Gordon M; O’Grady, Patrick M";
dc:title"Review of the native Hawaiian leafhopper genus Nesophrosyne (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae) with description of eight new species associated with Broussaisia arguta (Hydrangeaceae)";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Nesophrosyne heopoko endemic to Kaua’i: a. dorsum; b. male pygofer; c. aedeagus ventral view; d. connective; e. style; f. aedeagus posterior view; and, g. aedeagus lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Nesophrosyne makaihe endemic to O’ahu, Wai’anae Range: a. dorsum; b. male pygofer; c. aedeagus ventral view; d. connective; e. style; f. aedeagus posterior view; and, g. aedeagus lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Nesophrosyne ogradyi endemȋc tοΜauȋ ̓ Ha 1 eaka 1 ā wȋndward face ∶ a · dοrsum ﹔ b · ma 1 e pygοfer ﹔ c · aedeagus ventral view; d. connective; e. style; f. aedeagus posterior view; and, g. aedeagus lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Nesophrosyne aakokohaikea endemic to Hawai’i Island, Mauna Loa South Slope: a. dorsum; b. male pygofer; c. aedeagus ventral view; d. connective; e. style; f. aedeagus posterior view; and, g. aedeagus lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Nesophrosyne magnaccai endemic to Moloka’i: a. dorsum; b. male pygofer; c. aedeagus ventral view; d. connective; e. style; f. aedeagus posterior view; and, g. aedeagus lateral view.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Dorsal habitus of the species comprising the kanawao species group: A. N. broussaisiai, B. N. ogradyi, C. N. kaupoi, D. N. kanawao, and E. N. aakokohaikea.";