dc:title"Phyllodesmium rudmani (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea), a new solar powered species from the IndoWest Pacific with data on its symbiosis with zooxanthellae";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Phyllodesmium rudmani, living animals from North Sulawesi (A – D, F) and the Philippines (E): A: Dorsal view of moving specimen. B: Ventral view of moving specimen. C: P. rudmani with polyps of its food coral Xenia (right). D: Animal sitting inactive and mimicking Xenia polyps (same specimen as in F). E: Moving specimen from the Philippines in situ. F: One specimen sitting in Xenia.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Phyllodesmium rudmani, histology: A: Ramification of the digestive glandular branches beneath epidermis in large ceras. B: Multiple saclike structures of the digestive glandular branches beneath epidermis of ceras. Note the zooxanthellae inside the digestive glandular cells and the lumen of the branches. C: Zooxanthellae inside the tissue of the terminal digestive glandular branches. Note the highly vacuolated cells of the epidermis. D: Zooxanthellae surrounded by digestive glandular cells from the lumen of a midgut branch. Note the dividing zooxanthellae cell (left middle).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Phyllodesmium rudmani, morphology: A: Distal genital system. B: Left jaw seen from interior side. C: Masticatory margin of jaw. Abbreviations: am ampulla, al albumen gland, me membrane gland, mu mucous gland, p penis, pr prostate, rs receptaculum seminis.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Phyllodesmium rudmani, hard structures in digestive system: A: Radula of holotype, CASIZ 103747. B: Closeup of radula of holotype, CASIZ 103747.";