dc:creator"Hennemann, Frank H.; Conle, Oskar V.; Valero, Pablo; Nishida, Kenji";
dc:title"Studies on Neotropical Phasmatodea XXV: Revision of Pterinoxylus Serville, 1838, with the descriptions of two new species from Costa Rica. (Phasmatodea: Oriophasmata: Cladomorphinae: Pterinoxylini)";
dc:description"FIGURE 21: Pterinoxylus spp. terminal two abdominal segments of ♂♂ in ventral aspect, showing vomer and poculum. A. P. cocoense n. sp.: PT [MNCR–A, collection no. #107146]; B. P. crassus (Kirby, 1889): Specimen from Martinique [coll. FH, No. 0588–21]; C. P. eucnemis (Burmeister, 1838): Specimen from French Guiana [coll. OC]; D. P. perarmatus (Redtenbacher, 1908): Specimen from Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica [coll. FH, No. 0841–6]; E. P. speciosus n. sp.: PT [MNCR–A, collection no. 52571]; F. P. spinulosus Redtenbacher, 1908: Specimen from Greenhills, Belize [coll. OC]. Scale = 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 19: Pterinoxylus spinulosus Redtenbacher, 1908. A. Apex of abdomen of ♀ from Parque Nacional Corcovado, Costa Rica, in lateral view [MNCR-A, collection no. 598337]; B. Apex of abdomen of same specimen in dorsal view [MNCR-A, collection no. 598337]; C. Apex of abdomen of ♀ from Reventazon, Costa Rica on dorsal view [ZMUH]; D. Apex of abdomen of same specimen in ventral view [ZMUH]; E. Apex of abdomen of ♀ from Polochic River, Guatemala, in ventral view (Photo by Paul D. Brock) [USNM]; F. Apex of abdomen of ♂ from M.N. Guayabo, Costa Rica, in lateral view [MNCR-A, collection no. #74105]; G. Apex of abdomen of same specimen in dorsal view [MNCR–A, collection no. #74105]; H. Apex of abdomen of same specimen in ventral view [MNCR-A, collection no. #74105]; I. Head, pro- and mesonotum of ♂ from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, in dorsolateral view [MNHN]; J. Head, pro- and mesonotum of ♂ from M.N. Guayabo, Costa Rica, in dorsal view [MNCR-A, collection no. #74105]; K. Left protibia of ♀ from Greenhills, Belize in dorsal view, arrows indicate exterior and apical direction [coll. OC]; L. Right mid leg of ♀ from Greenhills, Belize in anterolateral view [coll. OC]; M. Right mid leg of ♂ from Greenhills, Belize in anterolateral view [coll. OC].";
dc:description"FIGURE 17: Pterinoxylus spinulosus Redtenbacher, 1908 ♀♀. A. Specimen from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, dorsal view (specimen figured by Rehn, 1957) [ANSP]; B. Same specimen, dorsolateral view [ANSP]; C. Specimen from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, dorsolateral view [ANSP]; D. Specimen from Reventazon, Costa Rica, dorsal view [ZMUH]; E. Specimens from Andagoya, Colombia in dorsolateral view, showing very strong thoracic armature [NHMUK].";
dc:description"FIGURE 27: P. spinulosus Redtenbacher, 1908; captive reared from Belize. A. ♀ in resting position; B. Same specimen in startle display showing the convex contour of the alae; C. Same specimen in startle display showing the convex contour of the alae.";
dc:description"FIGURE 18: Pterinoxylus spinulosus Redtenbacher, 1908 ♂♂. A. LT from Chiriquí, Panama, dorsolateral view [NHMW, No. 825]; B. Specimen from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, dorsal view (Photo by Paul D. Brock) [USNM]; C. Specimen from San Luis, Colombia, dorsolateral view [CEUA].";
dc:description"FIGURE 3: Pterinoxylus cocoense n. sp. ♂ PT [MNCR-A, collection no. #107146] and egg. A. PT, dorsolateral view; B. PT, dorsal view; C. PT, ventral view; D. Apex of abdomen of PT in lateral view; E. Apex of abdomen of PT in dorsal view; F. Apex of abdomen of PT in ventral view; G. Egg in dorsolateral view, PT (operculum lacking).";