dc:creator"Norton, Roy A.; Behan-Pelletier, Valerie M.";
dc:title"Two unusual new species of Caleremaeus (Acari: Oribatida) from eastern North America, with redescription of C. retractus and reevaluation of the genus";
dc:description"Figure 2 Caleremaeus retractus(Banks), transmitted-light micrographs of near-topotypical adults: A – dorsolateral view; B – posterior view; C – cerotegument separated from notogaster, lateral view; D – same, dorsal view (face-on); E – bothridium and bothridial seta (head face-on); F – optical sections of bothridium; upper image focused fine circular striations of inner chamber, lower image on longitudinal striations of deepest part of inner chamber; G – anterior region of prodorsum, dorsal view (insert = enlargement of seta le, arrow to break in seta emphasizing surrounding cerotegument nodule); H – same, different specimen, showing cusp variation; I – anterior region of specimen in G, deeper focus showing rostral bulge and submarginal crest; J – prodorsum, dorsolateral view (gnathosoma removed; setaele and ro represented only by birefringent core); K – specimen in J, deeper focus on rostral bulge (arrowhead to transverse striae of embossed pattern on inner surface of rostral bulge; L – rostral region of dissected specimen, anterior view (black arrow to central ridge of embossed pattern on inner face of rostral bulge); M – parasagittal section of prodorsum and anterior hysterosoma (insert = enlarged base of rostral bulge and rostrophragma). Scale bars: 50 µm (A, B); 20 µm (J, M); 10 µm (E, G-I, K, L); 5 µm (C, D, F).";
dc:description"Figure 3 Caleremaeus retractus(Banks), transmitted-light micrographs of near-topotypical adults: A – anterior region of separated notogaster; B – right sejugal region, dorsal view; C – same, different specimen; D – notogastral setae, as labeled; E – adanal region and anal plate (no setae in focus); F – partial venter (setae seen only as alveolus due to focus limitations); G – rostrum and subcapitulum, ventral view; H – preanal organ and associated muscles (no clearing); I – two variants of same, with strong clearing; J – sagittal section of posterior hysterosoma. Scale bars: 20 µm (F); 10 µm (A-C, E, G, J); 5 µm (H, I); 2 µm (D).";
dc:description"Figure 5 Caleremaeus retractus(Banks), transmitted-light micrographs of near-topotypical adults: A – legs I-IV, abaxial view (trochanters I, II not shown); B – trochanter and base of femur IV, mid-depth focus; C – same, deeper focus; D – partial leg III, with enlarged femoral seta d (upper left insert, arrow to basal cerotegument nodule) and tibial solenidionφ (upper right insert); E – left gena and rutellum, ventral view (removed from subcapitulum); F – chelicera, adaxial view; G – egg removed from oviduct. Scale bars: 20 µm (A, G); 10 µm (B-D, F); 5 µm (E).";
dc:description"Figure 6 Caleremaeus retractus(Banks), juveniles: A – protonymph, dorsal view; B – deutonymph, lateral view, with smaller setae omitted from larval (SLa)and protonymphal (SPn) scalps. Dots indicate that seta is on exuvial scalp (one for larval, two for protonymphal). Scale bars: 50 µm (B); 10 µm (A).";
dc:description"Figure 7 Caleremaeus retractus(Banks), transmitted-light micrographs of near-topotypical juveniles: A – protonymph, dorsal view (setae h1 incomplete); B – same, lateral view of posterior hysterosoma; C – deutonymph, lateral view of hysterosoma; D – tritonymph, dorsal view (insert = right lamellar seta and cusp); E – same, lateral view of hysterosoma; F – tritonymph, ventral view of prodorsal margin and partial gnathosoma (upper right insert = enlarged seta ro); G – gastronotic cornicle of tritonymph (scalps removed); H – bothridial seta of deutonymph; I – gastronotal seta lm from tritonymph (arrow to basal cerotegument nodule); J – same, but seta h2; K – same, but setap2; L – dorsodistal process of tibia I, tritonymph, distal to left (φ1 rising out of focus; insert = opposite side of seta d, showing faint barbs); M – tibia, genu and distal part of femur I from tritonymph, adaxial view; N – coupled seta d and solenidion on tibia II (distal to left). Dots in B, C, E indicate that labeled seta (or its insertion) is on exuvial scalp of larva (.), protonymph (..) or deutonymph (…). Scale bars: 50 µm (D); 20 µm (A-C, E); 10 µm (M); 5 µm (F-H, L, N); 2 µm (I-K).";
dc:description"Figure 18 Transmitted-light micrographs of C. monilipes,(A-D) and Caleremaeus‘retractus’ group from New York (E-G): A – adult (from Sweden), rostral bulge, deep focus to show embossed pattern; B – adult (from Spain), setah2 and nearby cerotegument; C – deutonymph (from Sweden), pygidial region, ventral view of flattened specimen; D – same, leg I and rostral region, dorsal view (lower left insert: tibia II coupled seta d and solenidion); E – anterior part of coxisternum; F – anterior third, ventrolateral view; G – deutonymph, hysterosoma, lateral view. Scale bars: 20 µm (C-G); 10 µm (A, B).";