dc:title"The concept of Compsoneuria Eaton, 1881 revisited in light of historical and new material from the Sunda Islands (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae: Ecdyonurinae)";
dc:description"FIGURES 79–82. General overview of the nymphs, with emphasize on their supracoxal spurs (midleg). Fig. 79: Compsoneuria spectabilis; Fig. 80: Compsoneuria sp. from Sulawesi; Fig. 81: Compsoneuriella thienemanni; Fig. 82: Compsoneuriella tagbanua.";
dc:description"FIGURES 48 – 54. Nymphal maxillae details of Compsoneuriella thienemanni. Fig. 48: SEM view of the dentisetae, proximal dentiseta in red, distal dentisetae in yellow, with first one entire; Figs 49 – 50: Different angle views of the dentisetae in SEM, to show the outer distal dentiseta always entire; Fig. 51: Same view in optical microscope; Fig. 52: SEM view of fimbriate scattered setae on the ventral face of the galea; Fig. 53: Same view in optical microscope; Fig. 54: SEM view of the combshape setae on the crown of the galea; abbreviations: dp: proximal dentiseta, dd 1, first distal dentiseta, dd 2, second distal dentiseta.";
dc:description"FIGURES 30 – 35. Compsoneuriella thienemanni, nymphal mouthparts. Fig. 30: Dorsal view of the head; Fig. 31: Labrum, with structure on the dorsal face (left) and ventral face (right); Fig. 32: Right mandible; Fig. 33: Left mandible; a: general view, b: details of the incisors. c: detail of the right incisor of another specimen; Fig. 34: Hypopharynx (left side); Fig. 35: Labium (left side).";
dc:description"FIGURES 68 – 77. Compsoneuriella spp, nymphal structures. Figs 68 - 70: Compsoneuriella sp. 1 from Thailand. Fig. 68: Outline of the labium (left side paraglossa only drawn); Fig. 69: Bristles on the upper face of hind femora; Fig. 70: Posterior margin of tergite IV. Figs 71 - 73: Compsoneuriella langensis. Fig. 71: Outline of the labrum; Fig. 72: Outline of the glossae; Fig. 73: Outline of gill VII. Figs 74 - 77: Compsoneuriella tagbanua. Fig. 74: Outline of the labrum; Fig. 75: Outline of the glossae; Fig. 76: Detail of the left mandible; Fig. 77: Scattered setae on the ventral side of the galea.";
dc:description"FIGURES 36 – 40. Compsoneuriella thienemanni, thoracic and abdominal parts. Fig. 36: Hind leg; Fig. 37: Bristles on the upper face of hind femora; Fig. 38: Gill V (only the plate drawn); Fig. 39: Gill VII; Fig. 40: posterior margin of tergite IV.";
dc:description"FIGURES 60 – 67. Nymphal leg structures of Compsoneuria spectabilis (Figs 60 - 63) and Compsoneuriella thienemanni (Figs 64 - 67) with SEM. Figs 60 and 64: Dorsal view of the hind leg; Figs 61 and 65: Detail view of the posterior margin of the hind femur and the hind tibia; Figs 62 and 66: Bristle on the upper face of femora; Figs 63 and 67: Tarsal claw.";
dc:description"FIGURES 41 – 42. SEM pictures of eggs extracted from a female imago (Fig. 41) and from a mature nymph (Fig. 42) of Compsoneuriella thienemanni. Fig. 41: Female imago from Sumatra, Wai Lima, Lampongs, XI – XII. 1921, Karny leg; Fig. 42: Female nymph (UN 11) from Sumatra, Harau Canyon, 27. IX. 2009, Balke leg; a: egg in toto; b: detail of the pole; c: micropyle and detail of the chorionic structure.";
dc:description"FIGURES 55 – 59. Nymphal maxillae details of Notonurus sp. from Madagascar. Fig. 55: SEM view of the dentisetae, proximal dentiseta in red, distal dentisetae in yellow; Fig. 56: Same view in optical microscope; Fig. 57: SEM view of scattered setae on the ventral face of the galea; Fig. 58: Same view in optical microscope; Fig. 59: SEM view of the comb-shape setae on the crown of the galea.";