dc:description"Figs 4A–F. Chaenea sinica spec. nov. in vivo (A, C) and after protargol staining (B, D–F). A – typical extended individual; B – detail of anterior part of dorsal ciliary pattern; C – contracted individual; D, E – overview of ciliary pattern of ventral (D) and dorsal (E) side; F – distribution of macronuclei, extrusomes, and nematodesmata. B1–4 – dorsal brush rows 1–4, CK – circumoral kinety, CV – contractile vacuole, E – extrusome, Ma – macronuclei, N – nematodesmata, SK – somatic kinety. Scales bars: 50 µm.";
dc:description"Figs 5A–N. Chaenea sinica spec. nov. in vivo (A–G) and after protargol impregnation (H–N). A, B – typical individuals; C–E – contracted and twisted cells; F, G – rod-shaped extrusomes attached to oral bulge (F) and scattered in cytoplasm (G); H–J – ciliary pattern of anterior body end, showing circumoral kinety, dorsal brush rows 1–4, and nematodesmata; K – middle part of body, showing somatic kineties; L – anterior body end, arrowheads denote the extruded extrusomes outside the oral bulge; M – anterior body end, arrowhead marks cilia of the dorsal brush; N – many scattered macronuclear nodules throughout cytoplasm (arrowheads). B1–4 – dorsal brush rows 1–4, CK – circumoral kinety, CV – contractile vacuole, E – extrusome, N – nematodesmata, SK – somatic kinety. Scales bars: 100 µm.";
dc:description"Figs 3A–M. Morphology of some closely-related congeners of Chaenea paucistriata spec. nov. and Chaenea sinica spec. nov. A–D – C. teres (from Petz et al., 1995), general view of living cell (A), overview of ciliary pattern (B), detail of ciliary pattern in anterior body end (C), surface view showing cortical granulation (D); E – C. simulans (from Kahl, 1930); F – C. robusta (from Kahl, 1930) G, H – Chaenea sp. (from Petz et al., 1995), detail of ciliary pattern in anterior body (G), overview of ciliary pattern (H); I–K – C. stricta (from Foissner, 1984), detail of ciliary pattern in anterior body (I), general view (J), overview of ciliary pattern (K); L, M – C. vorax (from Song and Packroff, 1997), general view (L), overview of ciliary pattern (M). B – dorsal brush, B1–4 – dorsal brush rows 1–4, CG – cortical granules, CK – circumoral kinety, CV – contractile vacuole, E – extrusomes, Ma – macronuclei, OB – oral bulge, SK – somatic kinety. Scale bars: 100 µm (A, H, L), 50 µm (B, J, K, M), 150 µm (E, F).";