dc:description"Figure 5. Fruits of Prosopis, Strombocarpa, Xerocladia and Indopiptadenia A Prosopis cineraria B Anonychium africanum C Strombocarpa palmeri D Prosopis farcta E Strombocarpa ferox F S. strombulifera G S. pubescens H S. abbreviata (2 examples) I S. tamarugo J S. torquata K S. burkartii L Xerocladia viridiramis M Indopiptadenia oudhensis A-G, M (5 cm scale bar) H-L (1 cm scale bar with asterisk). All specimens at K A drawn from Gazanfar SG 4332 B Dembele & Sanogo ML- 146 and longitudinal section of fruit from Barter 1193 C Hughes et al. 1552 D van der Maesen 1627 E Atahuachi et al. MA 1147 F Hunziker 2036 G Acocks 1788 H Tweedie s. n. (from 2 type specimens) I Aronson 7742 J Vuilleumier 1019 K Acosta & Rosas 748 L Kolberg & Tholkes HK 2493 M Bajpai & Babu 264498. Drawn by Andrew Brown, July 2021.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Variation in fruits across Prosopis s. l. and allies A indehiscent pods of Anonychium africanum with thick pulpy mesocarp collected as fodder for livestock B plano-compressed pods of Indopiptadenia oudhensis lacking a thickened mesocarp and dehiscent along both sutures C indehiscent fruits of Prosopis farcta with a thick pulpy mesocarp D tightly coiled indehiscent screwbean fruits of Strombocarpa strombulifera E indehiscent pods of Strombocarpa ferox with a thick pulpy mesocarp F indehiscent fruits of Strombocarpa palmeri G small reniform to flabellate, flattened, indehiscent, 1 (- 2) - seeded, winged fruits of Xerocladia viridiramis which are unique within mimosoid legumes H indehiscent fruits of Neltuma articulata with a thick mesocarp and a hard bony segmented endocarp which remains closed I. Unripe indehiscent pods of Neltuma kuntzei with a thick pulpy mesocarp, these turning dark blackish-brown when ripe, reminiscent in colour to fruits of Anonychium. Photos courtesy of Marco Schmidt (A) (see Dressler et al. 2014), Dr. Omesh Bajpai and Dr. Lal Babu Chaudhary (B), Zeynel Cebeci (C) (https // en. wikipedia. org / wiki / Prosopis _ farcta), Dick Culbert (D) (see https // eol. org / pages / 640506, Colin Hughes (E, F, H, I), and Herta Kolberg (G) (see Plants of Namibia https // herbaria. plants. ox. ac. uk / bol / namibia).";
dc:description"Figure 8. The distributions of Indopiptadenia, Prosopis s. s., Anonychium, Xerocladia, Neltuma and Strombocarpa, based on 6,469 quality-controlled species occurrences from GBIF (www. gbif. org), DryFlor (www. dryflor. info), SEINet (www. swbiodiversity. org / seinet) and several other data sources (Ringelberg et al., in prep.). Map created using R packages ggplot 2 (Wickham 2016), sf (Pebesma 2018) and rnaturalearth (South 2017). The eight occurrence records, mapped in Bahia Brazil, are of Neltuma ruscifolia which is considered potentially native to that region (Burkart 1976 Oliveira & Queiroz 2020), while records of N. juliflora from Bahia, which is introduced and naturalised in that region, have been eliminated.";
dc:description"Figure 1. A Phylogeny of the Caesalpinioideae showing the placement of the Prosopis grade (boxed in red) within the subfamily, based on analyses of DNA sequences of 997 nuclear genes (Ringelberg et al. 2022) B the part of the phylogeny that includes all elements of Prosopis s. l. Genera recognised in the new generic system presented here are in bold. Pie charts show the fraction of gene trees supporting that bipartition in blue, the fraction of gene trees supporting the most likely alternative configuration in green, the fraction of gene trees supporting additional conflicting configurations in red and the fraction of uninformative gene trees in grey. Numbers above pie charts are Extended Quadripartition Internode Certainty (Zhou et al. 2020) scores. Branch lengths are expressed in coalescent units and terminal branches were assigned an arbitrary uniform length for visual clarity, see Ringelberg et al. (2022); the root is not drawn to scale C, D the two most likely alternative tree topologies which would allow for a monophyletic Prosopis s. l., either without (C) or with (D) Xerocladia and Indopiptadenia. In C and D numbers above pie charts = number of gene trees supporting the species tree, numbers below pie charts = number of gene trees conflicting with the species tree C lack of gene tree support (just 69 gene trees) for the alternative species tree topology where sections Algarobia + Monilicarpa (≡ Neltuma) are sister to section Strombocarpa (≡ Strombocarpa) vs. 573 genes supporting a sister group relationship between Strombocarpa and Xerocladia (as shown in D) D lack of gene trees (zero gene trees) supporting a monophyletic Prosopis s. l.";