dc:description"Figure 4. Lithocarpus dahuensis H. X. Su, Miao Zhang & B. Hua Chen, sp. nov. A fruiting stem with mature cupule B, C adaxial and abaxial side of mature leaf, respectively D, E adaxial and abaxial side of mature leaf of Lithocarpus konishii (Hayata) Hayata, respectively (photographed by Shi Shi) F bark G lower young leaf surface, showing abaxially hairy H petiole and buds, showing grayish yellow short hairs. Scale bars: 1 cm (B-E); 1 mm (G); 2 mm (H).";
dc:description"Figure 5. Lithocarpus dahuensis H. X. Su, Miao Zhang & B. Hua Chen, sp. nov. A branch with mature male and androgynous inflorescences B male inflorescences C androgynous, showing female flowers borne on basal part of inflorescences (red arrows) and male flowers (white arrows) D male flower F female flower. Scale bars: 5 mm (B, C); 2 mm (D, E).";
dc:description"Figure 6. Lithocarpus dahuensis H. X. Su, Miao Zhang & B. Hua Chen, sp. nov. A branch with mature cupule a infructescence, showing mature cupule enclosing 1 / 4 of nut B, C Lithocarpus konishii (Hayata) Hayata (photographed by Shi Shi and Jin-Long Zhang from Hainan and HongKong, respectively) D vertical section of mature fruit E-G outside, inside and side view of the cupule, respectively H-J top, side and bottom view of mature nut, respectively. Scale bars: 2 cm (A); 1 cm (a); 5 mm (D-J).";
dc:description"Figure 7. Lithocarpus dahuensis H. X. Su, Miao Zhang & B. Hua Chen, sp. nov. A fruiting branch with mature cupule B abaxial side of mature leaf C female flower D male flower E, F outside and inside view of the cupule, respectively G infructescence, mature cupule usually solitary H mature cupule enclosing 1 / 4 of nut I vertical section of mature fruit J-L side, top and bottom view of mature nut, respectively. Scale bars: 1 cm (A, B, E-I); 1 mm (C, D).";
dc:description"Figure 8. Distribution of Lithocarpus dahuensis and L. konishii in China. Legend: (red star) L. dahuensis, (blue triangle) L. konishii.";