dc:description"Figure 5. Oligoneuriopsis villosus sp. nov., larvae A habitus in dorsal view B habitus in ventral view C head of male in lateral view D head of male in dorsal view E head of female in lateral view F head of female in dorsal view G detail of setae on distal part of labial palp segment I in dorsal view H-I setae on paraglossae in ventral view J detail of basal portion of paraglossae under SEM in ventral view. Scale bars: 5 mm (A, B); 1 mm (C-F); 0.2 mm (G-J). Same scale bar for C and D. Same scale bar for E and F.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Oligoneuriopsis villosus sp. nov., larvae, legs A hind leg under SEM in dorsal view B micro sculpture of leg cuticula under SEM in dorsal view C forefemur in dorsal view D middle femur in dorsal view E hind femur in dorsal view F apical part of foretibia with subapical setae in ventral view G shape of foretibia with subapical setae in dorsal view H middle tibia and tarsus in dorsal view I hind tibia and tarsus in dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, C-E); 0.02 mm (B); 0.5 mm (F-I). Same scale bar for C, D and E. Same scale bar for F and G. Same scale bar for H and I.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Oligoneuriopsis villosus sp. nov., larvae, abdomen and gills A abdomen outline, male B abdomen outline, female C proximal portion of abdomen under SEM in lateral view D gill IV under SEM in dorsal view E gill IV under SEM in ventral view F gill plate I in dorsal view G gill plate I in ventral view H gill plate IV in dorsal view I gill plate IV in ventral view J gill plate VII in dorsal view K gill plate VII in ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, B); 0.5 mm (C); 0.2 mm (D-K). Same scale bar for F-K.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Oligoneuriopsis villosus sp. nov., larvae and eggs A general view of basal part of abdomen under SEM in ventral view B detail of setae on sternum IV C detail of setae on sternum IV under SEM D detail of setae on surface of terga E egg, general view F detail of egg chorionic structure. Scale bars: 1 mm (A); 0.1 mm (B, D); 0.5 mm (C); 0.05 mm (E); 0.01 mm (F).";
dc:description"Figure 10. Photos of the localities with occurrence of Oligoneuriella tuberculata sp. nov. and Oligoneuriopsis villosus sp. nov. A Marbor River near Kata (type locality of O. tuberculata sp. nov.) B right tributary of Marun Rud River near Bagh Malek (type locality of O. villosus sp. nov.) C Balarud River near Andimeshk (locality of O. villosus sp. nov.) D Shamil River near Shamil (locality of O. villosus sp. nov.).";
dc:description"Figure 11. Results of the molecular species delimitation: A maximum clade credibility COI gene tree. The red branches represent species delimited by GMYC. Columns on the right illustrate groups delimited by both approaches used B lineage through time plot, generated by GMYC. The red vertical line indicates the threshold time between inter- and intraspecific branching C distribution of distances calculated by ABGD.";