dc:description"FIG. 2. — Hongshanxi xiei n. gen., n. sp., holotype, Jianping County Museum, HS-0001: A, the main part block; B, the counterpart block. Scale bars: 10 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 3. — Hongshanxi xiei n. gen.,n. sp., skull in dorsal view from main block (A) and counterpart block (B). Abbreviations:am.pr., anteromedial process of maxilla; bo, basioccipital; bpt, basipterygoid process; bsp, basisphenoid; cb, ceratobranchial; co.L, left coronoid; de.L, left dentary; de.R, right dentary; ecpt.R, right ectopterygoid; ept.R, right epipterygoid; exo, exoccipital/opisthotic; fr, frontal; ju.L, left jugal; ju.R, right jugal; mx.L, left maxilla; mx.R, right maxilla; na, nasal; n.pr, nasal process of premaxilla; ods, osteoderms; pa, parietal; pm, premaxilla; pfr.L, left prefrontal; pfr.R, right prefrontal; pob.R, right postorbital; pp.L, left postparietal process; pp.R, right postparietal process; psp, parasphenoid; pt.L, left pterygoid; pt.R, right pterygoid; qu.R, right quadrate; sq.L, left squamosal; sq.R, right squamosal; st.L, left supratemporal; vom, vomer. Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 7. — Hongshanxi xiei n. gen., n. sp., additional cranial features from CL scan images of the part block (A) and the counterpart block (B). Abbreviations: bpt, basipterygoid process; b.tb, basal tubercle; cb, ceratobranchial; co.pr, coronoid process; ept.R, right epipterygoid; exo.R, right exoccipital/opisthotic; pal.t, palatine teeth; pm.n.pr, nasal process of premaxilla; pob.R, right postorbital; pp.pr, postparietal process; pt.R, right pterygoid; pt.t, pterygoid teeth; sq.R, right squamosal; st.L, left supratemporal.";
dc:description"FIG. 4. — Hongshanxi xiei n. gen., n. sp.: A, line drawing of the skull, as preserved, in dorsal view based on both main and counterpart blocks. Temporal osteoderms are shown in light grey; ventral elements (right lower jaw, hyoid ceratobranchials, braincase [exoccipitals, basioccipital, otic capsule]) shown in outline; B, reconstruction of the skull in dorsal view. As the postoribtal region is compressed with the palatal and lower jaw pushing through it, the presence or absence of a separate postfrontal bone is uncertain. Dashed lines have therefore been used to complete the postorbital bar. Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 5. — Hongshanxi xiei n. gen., n. sp., pectoral girdle and forelimb: A, midbody and pectoral girdle, main block; B, midbody and pectoral girdle, counterpart block;C, left forelimb,main block.Abbreviations:ce.r, cervical ribs; cev4, fourth cervical vertebra;cl.L, left clavicle;cl.R, right clavicle;co, coracoid;d1-d5, digits 1-5; den.ax, dens of the axis; hu.L, left humerus;hu.R, right humerus; ol.pr, detached olecranon process;ra.L, left radius; sc.L, left scapula; sc.R, right scapula; ssc.R, right suprascapula; ste, cartilage sternum; ste.r, sternal ribs; ul.L, left ulna. Scale bar: 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIG. 6. — Hongshanxi xiei n. gen., n. sp., pelvis, hind limb, and tail: A, hind limbs and pelvis, main block; B, tail, main block. Abbreviations: ac.L, left astragalocalcaneum; ac.R, right astragalocalcaneum; as, autotomy septum; cav1-cav20, caudal vertebrae; d1-d5, digits 1-5; dt4, distal tarsal 4; fe.L, left femur; fe.R, right femur; fi.L, left fibula; fi.R, right fibula; il.R, right ilium; is.R, right ischium; mt5, fifth metatarsal; pu.L, left pubis; sv1-sv2, sacral vertebrae 1-2; ti.L, left tibia; ti.R, right tibia. The long square bracket in B indicates the regenerated part of the tail. Scale bar: 5 mm";