dc:title"A redescription of ' Megalosaurus ' hesperis (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Inferior Oolite (Bajocian, Middle Jurassic) of Dorset, United Kingdom";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Tooth-bearing bones of Duriavenator hesperis (NHM R 332) in lateral (A, J, F – G, M, P – Q), anterior (B, K), medial (C, H, L, O, T – U), posterior (D – E), and dorsal (I, N, R – S) views. A – D, left premaxilla; E – I, right premaxilla; J – L, right maxilla with magnified (x 2) sections showing the anteroventral region of the antorbital fossa (J) and the pneumatic region on the dorsal surface of the jugal process (L); M – O, left dentary; P – U, right dentary. In line drawings (G, Q, S, U) light grey tone indicates tooth, mid grey tone indicates restored surface, and dark grey tone indicates broken bone surface. Abbreviations: 3 rd, third dentary alveolus; amp, anteromedial process; idp, interdental plate; for, foramen; mef, Meckelian fossa; meg, Meckelian groove; mfr, Meckelian foramen; mxf, maxillary fenestra (imperforate); pal, palatal process; pdg, paradental groove; pnu, pneumatic fossa; snp, subnarial process. Scale bar equals 100 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Cranial bones of Duriavenator hesperis (NHM R 332) showing parts of NHM R 332 during (A) and prior to (O) preparation reported by Waldman (1976), and after preparation by S. Moore-Fay in 2008 (I – J), and fragmentary elements in unknown (B – E), left lateral (F), ventral (G), dorsal (H), lateral (K – L), medial (M – N) views. A, I – J, block originally containing right maxilla, posterior portion of right premaxilla and unidentified bone fragment (B – E) during preparation by Waldman (1974); F – H, posterior portion of vomer; K – N, right surangular; O, NHM R 334, cast of block containing right dentary, fragmentary right surangular, and anterior portion of right premaxilla prior to preparation. In line drawings (D – E, L, N) dark grey shading indicates broken bone. Abbreviations: cor, articular facet for the coronoid; frag, unidentified bone fragment; imp, tooth impression. Scale bars equal 50 mm (B – H, K – N) and 100 mm (A, I – J, O).";