dc:description"FIGURE 1. Sampling locality of Loxoconcha damensis sp. nov., Xestoleberis vietnamensis sp. nov. and X. munensis sp. nov. A. Western part of Southeast Asia. B. Southern part of Phu Quoc Island showing Dam Ngoai Island. C. Nha Trang City and Hon Mun Island. Arrowhead indicates type locality.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Carapace of Xestoleberis vietnamensis sp. nov. A. male left valve in external lateral view (SUM-CO-2429, holotype). B. female left valve in external lateral view (SUM-CO-2430, paratype). C. male carapace in dorsal view (SUM-CO- 2431, paratype). D. female carapace in dorsal view (SUM-CO-2432, paratype). E. male left valve in internal lateral view (SUM-CO-2433, paratype). F. male right valve in internal lateral view (SUM-CO-2433, paratype). G. posterior view of male (SUM-CO-2434, paratype). H. Xestoleberis-spot of male left valve (SUM-CO-2433, paratype). I. muscle scars of male left valve (SUM-CO-2433, paratype). J. marginal pores of male left valve in external lateral view (SUM-CO-2435, paratype). K. hingement of male right valve in internal lateral view (SUM-CO-2433, paratype). L. hingement of male left valve in internal lateral view (SUM-CO-2433, paratype). M. lip-type pore of female left valve in external lateral view (SUM-CO-2430, paratype). N. sieve-type pore of female left valve in external lateral view (SUM-CO-2430, paratype). Scale: 200 µm for A–G; 30 µm for H; 80 µm for I, K, L; 5 µm for J, M, N.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Xestoleberis vietnamensis sp. nov. A, C, D, E, F, G, H, J. male (SUM-CO-2429, holotype). B, I. male (SUM-CO- 2436, paratype). A. antennule. B. antenna. C. mandibular. D. maxillula. E. fifth limb. F. sixth limb. G. seventh limb. H. copulatory organ of male. I. furca. J. brush-shaped organ. C’, D’. enlarged details of C and D, respectively. Scale: 100 µm for A–G; 50 µm for C’, D’ & J’.";